Food Bank Program
CCEP Association has launched the “Food Bank Program”. This is another caring project from us.
Our “Food Bank Program” mission is to constantly provide food for the underprivileged in our society, such as non-governmental non-profit old folk homes, children’s homes, and disabled homes from time to time. This is a long-term dedicated project. All the funding for the purchase of food will be handled by a dedicated account set up by our financial management.
CCEP Association invites you and friends who are interested in supporting you to participate. We will provide and share program information from time to time.
扶贫计划协会已经启动了” 扶贫供食计划”, 这是扶贫计划协会另一项关怀社会的行动。主要宗旨是为社会弱势群体,如非政府非营利性老人院,儿童院及残疾院不定时的提供食物。这是我们协会一项长期专款专用的项目, 所有筹集购买食物的善款将会由我们的财务管理设定一个专用户口进行处理。我们希望此计划能够获得公众的支持及给予配合。
扶贫计划协会邀请您与及有兴趣支持此项计划的朋友们一起参与, 以随缘赞助的方式捐款。我们将会不时的提供及分享关于” 扶贫供食计划”的讯息。
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