Aid Application Form/援助申請表格

姓名/Name:(中) ______________________(英)______________________

性別/Gender:□ 男 Male/□ 女/Female   年齡/Age : ________________

婚姻狀況Marital Status: □單身/Single □已婚/Married □離婚/Divorced

身份証/報身紙號碼:_______________  出生日期/BOD:_________________

職業/Occupation:______________  每月收入/Monthly Income:_______

(請呈上收入証明/Please attach the pay slip or J-form )

地址 Address:_____________________________________________________



求助原因/Reason of Appeal: ________________________________________

有福利部援助金? Do you currently receive support from Kebajikan?

□ 有/Yes, RM_____________ /月per month  □ 無/No

申請者是否有/計劃向其他機構或媒體申請金錢支援?□有/Yes □ 無/No

Are you approaching/intend to any other organization(s) for donation?

家庭成員資料 / Family Members Details

姓名/Name 身份証/報生紙/ID No. 關係/Relationship 職業/Occupation

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

居所 /Accommodation

□ 花園屋 Detached/Terrace □ 組屋 Flat □ 公寓 Apartment 

□ 新村屋 Village      □ 木屋 Wooden House

需要供屋/租屋? House Installment/House Rented?  □是/Yes   □否/No

如需供屋/租屋, 每月的分期付款/租金數額?/If the house is under installment/rented,

what amount of installment/rental is paid per month?  RM______________/月 per month

交通工具 / Transportation

□ 汽車/Car  □ 摩哆車/Motorcycle  □ 貨車/Van  □ 其他 Other:_______

車款/Type of transport : _____________車牌/Car No:_____________ 

需要供車? Car Installment?  □是/Yes   □否/No

如需供車, 每月的分期付款數額?  If the car is under installment,

what installment amount is paid monthly?   RM___________ /月 per month

委託人資料/Information of Consignor

姓名/Name:(中)_____________________  (英)______________________

身份証/報身紙號碼/ID No.:______________ Relationship:___________



電話Tel:(住家Home)________________  (手提  H/P): _______________

職業/Occupation :________________ 每月收入/Montly Income:_______

請附上以下文件 Please attach the following:-

1. 申請者身份証/報身紙影印本/NRIC or birth cert of the applicant

2. 申請者照片 /Photo of the applicant

3. 家庭成員的身份証/報生紙複印本/I/C or birth cert of applicant’s family members

4. 最近三个月的水电费單据, 電話單及屋租單/The latest 3 months electricity, water, telephone bill and rental receipt

Investigation : ( for office use only)

调查日期:__________  调查員:____________  签名:_________




*最新的薪金單(pay slip/Socso)














CCEP Foundation Application Guide

To ensure that applicants for medical/living assistance are those who are really in need, applicants must submit a complete application form and provide the following documents:

1. Proof of income of the applicant and his family:

*The latest salary slip (pay slip)/Socso

*Employee EPF copy

* Rental bills, telephone bills, water and electricity bills, etc.

2. A photocopy of the identity card of an adult patient, a copy of the identity card/reproduction paper of a member of the patient’s home, and a copy of the birth certificate of a child under the age of 12.

3. The original medical report (in the last 6 months), the medical expenses recommended by the doctor, and the budget for the treatment.

Apply for short-term living assistance

1. If the applicant has an accident, or sickness, and is a single parent, must submit a monthly list of living expenses.

Applicants must not receive financial assistance from other groups such as Socso/Employees Provident Fund, Insurance, Welfare Department, or other charities.

Funds release method

1. Case for applying for medical expenses: The payment is paid directly to the hospital.

2. Case for applying for short-term living assistance:

It is the responsibility of the CCEP Foundation to understand/determine the applicant’s needs (so applicants are required to submit a monthly list of living expenses for reference). Depending on the CCEP Foundation’s in-depth understanding, the conclusions after the investigation decide whether to accept or approve, and then allocate assistance to the applicant monthly.

3. After the applicant has signed the application form, it agrees to cooperate with the CCEP Foundation and gives the CCEP Foundation the right to handle it. If a component is found to be fraudulent, the CCEP Foundation will stop funding.

Note: CCEP Foundation reserves all the rights for additions and deletions.