22/12/2024 (星期日)
呈献60至80年代经典歌曲 米都乐队歌手令观众沸腾光华日报 | 1910年创刊 创新每一天生活
星洲日报 – 大北马
1960/80乐队歌手重返舞台 献声 筹 医费教育金 – 地方 – 北马新闻
中国报 – 北马人
长青乐队重出江湖 为音乐 慈善 嗨翻全场 | 中國報 China Press
CCEP扶贫基金会慈善演唱会〡米都经典乐队歌手登台 热血摇滚献力慈善 | 北马 | 地方 | 2024-12-22 – 光明日报
CCEP扶贫基金会慈善演唱会〡米都经典乐队歌手登台 热血摇滚献力慈善
由CCEP扶贫基金会主办、Attitune Music策划的“回到过去,拥抱未来”慈善演唱会,昨晚在吉华独中礼堂热爆举行。
筹募医疗基金 助北马贫寒生
演唱会是由4支队伍演绎,由米都60至80年代知名乐队及歌手陆续登台,包括成立于1968年的海浪乐队、80年代的旋风乐队、新生代的Dream Music,以及凝聚了逾50人的吉打州华人大会堂禾韵合唱团。
他们在陈荣发指挥下,演唱了3首经过编曲的经典歌曲《荷塘月色》、《茉莉花》和《Burung Kakak Tua》。
接下来登场的是80年代的旋风乐队以及新生代的Dream Music。他们接力演出,每一首曲目都充满激情与动感,为观众带来了一场跨时代的音乐飨宴,充分展现了经典与新生代音乐的独特魅力。
12/12/2024 (星期四)
CCEP扶贫基金会散播爱的光芒 – 前往关怀泰国清迈唐禅寺孤儿院 – YouTube
这些的孩子有很多多是邻国的难民,有被父母遗弃的,有来自贫瘠的山区的孩子等等。 这所孤儿院是泰国僧人创办的,住在里面的孩子除了要照顾他们的吃住之外,还为孩子们提供教育。
07/12/2024 (星期六)
CCEP糧食援助计划 ~ 与你一同传递爱与力量 2.0 – YouTube
在繁华的城市背后,总有一些角落藏着不被注意的故事。在增江中区(一)校华小,有14位学生,他们的家庭正经历着生活的重重困难。 这里,靠近几栋人民组屋。住在这里的家庭,大多面对生活的压力。两到三个孩子的抚养责任、日益上涨的物价,让这些家庭在大城市里步履维艰。父母拼尽全力,却依然难以满足日常生活开销和孩子的教育需求。 今天,CCEP扶贫基金会为14位贫困学生发放了干粮物资。虽然大部分孩子没有父母陪同,因为他们刚放学,又赶去补习班,但我们知道,这些家庭的负担,从未真正卸下过。 这或许只是微不足道的一包干粮,但对这些家庭来说,却是生活中多了一份温暖,多了一份希望。 在城市的光芒背后,还有一群无声的奋斗者。他们的日子虽清贫,却依然努力向前。我们的一个小小行动,足以让他们感受到生活的善意和力量 每一份干粮,都是爱的传递;每一个微笑,都是温暖的回响。CCEP扶贫基金会,与你携手,为城市中的贫困家庭带来希望。
03/12/2024 (星期二)
30/11/2024 (星期一)
CCEP 回到过去 拥抱未来 慈善汇演
30/11/2024 (星期一)
Wish Trolley Project 2024 (English Version)
30/11/2024 (星期一)
15/11/2024 (星期日)
东马沙巴亚庇 ~ Wish Trolly Project 【Part 1】
15/11/2024 (星期日)
东马沙巴亚庇 ~ Wish Trolly Project 【Part 2】
代表CCEP扶贫基金会东渡为末期病童送爱心,带上满满的爱心及祝福,亲手把礼物送到末期病童手里,这些礼物对病童们来说是惊喜更多的是那份温暖 #爱心关怀 #世界因为有您而精彩 #祝福许愿
06/11/2024 (星期三)
捐赠电动轮椅给患上Wilson Disease的阳关女生黄宝仪
05/11/2024 (星期二)
开学援助计划 为贫困学生献一份心意
03/11/2024 (星期日)
月前CCEP扶贫计划协会为尼泊尔受洪灾影响的灾民筹款,共筹获RM 5000.00
28/10/2024 (星期一)
屋漏偏逢连夜雨 – 船迟又遇打头风
#关怀贫困家庭 #供养长者计划 #援助金计划
05/10/2024 (星期六)
A Big Thank You to Our Co-Organiser, CCEP!
特别感谢我们的联合主办方 —— CCEP!
19/09/2024 (星期四)
Beacon Resort 孤儿慈善营:温暖人心,给孤儿带来无尽欢乐
Beacon Resort’s The Orphanage Charity Camp: A Heartwarming Success in Bringing Joy to Orphaned Children
雪兰莪州乌鲁雪兰莪 – 孤儿院慈善营是 Beacon Resort 与 CCEP 基金会合作开展的企业社会责任 (CSR) 举措。旨在为来自雪兰莪和吉隆坡的孤儿带来欢乐,并为他们创造珍贵的美好回忆。活动于2024年9月19日至20日举行,迎来了25间孤儿院一共628多名参与者,包括5至18岁的孩子和他们的照顾者,度过了两天的欢乐、放松和难忘时光。
此次慈善营精心安排了两种体验:一日游和两天一夜的住宿体验。每一项活动都经过周到安排,确保每位孩子和照顾者在Beacon Resort度过一段充实且愉快的时光。活动包括:温泉浴、与动物互动的农场参观以及丛林徒步。孩子们还沉浸在充满欢乐的娱乐节目中,如:魔术表演、小丑秀和气球雕塑,现场充满了笑声与惊喜。
对于参与两天一夜住宿的孩子们,还特别安排了夜间活动, 包括:影院观影以及手工艺创作团建活动—制作纸板船。而Beacon Resort也为照顾者提供按摩服务和卡拉OK活动,让他们享受难得的放松时光。
受此活动圆满成功的激励,Beacon Resort将继续致力于支持社区,为需要帮助的人们创造有意义的体验。我们坚信,通过类似孤儿慈善营这样的公益活动,我们能够为他人的生活带来积极的改变,并推动社会更加充满爱心和团结。
关于Beacon Resort:
Beacon Resort位于宁静的乌鲁雪兰莪,是一个以平和环境和优质设施著称的高端度假胜地。我们致力于为宾客提供卓越的体验,同时也通过我们的企业社会责任项目,努力为社会中的弱势群体带来欢乐、支持和归属感。
Beacon Resort’s The Orphanage Charity Camp: A Heartwarming Success in Bringing Joy to Orphaned Children
Hulu Selangor, The Orphanage Charity Camp was a Beacon Resort’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative in collaboration with the CCEP foundation. This program was dedicated to bringing joy and creating lasting memories for orphaned children from across Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Held from 19 to 20 September 2024, the heartwarming event welcomed 25 homes, comprising 628 participants, including children aged 5-18 years and their caregivers, for two days of fun, relaxation, and cherished moments.
The Orphanage Charity Camp was thoughtfully designed to provide participants with two distinct experiences: a Day Trip and a 2-Day, 1-Night stay. Each experience was carefully curated to ensure that every child and caregiver enjoyed a meaningful and delightful time at Beacon Resort. Activities ranged from refreshing hot spring baths and interactive animal farm visits to adventurous jungle trekking. Children were also treated to captivating entertainment, including magic shows, clown performances, and balloon sculptures that filled the resort with laughter and excitement.
For those who participated in the 2-Day, 1-night stay, the programme offered additional special activities. Children enjoyed an exclusive team building activity that involved cardboard boat building and engaging arts & crafts time, while their caregivers indulged in relaxation therapies and a lively karaoke session, providing a well-deserved break from their daily routines.
Inspired by the overwhelming success of this programme, Beacon Resort is committed to continuing our efforts in supporting the community and creating meaningful experiences for those in need. We believe that through initiatives like The Orphanage Charity Camp, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others and contribute to a more compassionate and connected society.
About Beacon Resort:
Beacon Resort, nestled in the serene surroundings of Hulu Selangor, is a premier hot spring resort known for its tranquil environment, exceptional amenities, and dedication to providing outstanding guest experiences. Our co
时间: 11.00AM – 4.00PM
– 儿童欢乐舞蹈
– 专科医生讲座
– ASSUNTA医药团队健康体检
– 捐血运动
– ZUMBA 活力健康舞蹈
– 各种药房营养保健食品
– 免费手礼
联办单位: YKBS 干细胞移植基金会
Receives Support from CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation
Chong Xuwei, a college student from Kuala Selangor, is the only child in his family and has been raised by his single mother since childhood. Unfortunately, his mother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Despite the challenging circumstances, the dutiful and filial Xuwei spends every day at the hospital, providing companionship and care for his ailing mother.
Previously unable to afford tuition fees, Xuwei received support from a compassionate individual associated with the CCEP Foundation, covering his tuition for a semester. This support has given him the opportunity to continue his education.
To further assist Chong Xuwei, the CCEP Foundation has donated RM500.00 in aid to help him purchase milk powder and daily necessities for his seriously ill mother, alleviating some of the financial burdens he faces.
AFFLICTED with Crohn’s disease, Chai Yao Jiunn isn’t living the life of a typical nine-year-old boy in Kuala Lumpur.
Due to an inflammatory bowel disease, Yao Jiunn has been hospitalised for months.
He has not been able to eat for the past few months, and solely subsists on nutritional fluids.
This has caused great suffering for the child who used to enjoy eating.
His mother, Lee Sew Ken, 41, said her son had always been in good health.
However, since his Crohn’s disease diagnosis last February, Yao Jiunn has been constantly afflicted by infections leading to fever, mouth ulcers and wound inflammation, leaving his body in a very weakened state.
His doctors are planning to conduct a two-year treatment for Yao Jiunn, who will be receiving Infliximab injections to manage his condition.
However, the treatment costs RM56,000, which Yao Jiunn’s family cannot afford.
“To take better care of Yao Jiunn, I have stopped working as a salesperson so I can stay in the hospital with him.
“We currently depend entirely on my husband’s income as a store manager,” said Lee.
She said they had been forced to borrow money from relatives and friends to cover their son’s medical expenses.
Even then, this hasn’t been enough to cover Yao Jiunn’s monthly medical costs.
In order to manage Yao Jiunn’s condition, he has received 10 Infliximab injections over the past six months.
Leaving the hospital would increase his susceptibility to infection.
“The doctors have created an artificial opening for him to assist in his waste elimination.
“He needs two to four ostomy bags per day, which range in cost between RM400 and RM500 per month.
“This doesn’t even include the expenses for injections, lubricants and ointments.
“Yao Jiunn enjoys going to school. The hospital has an affiliated school, and he will attend classes whenever his condition allows.
“He loves learning and he looks forward to being discharged and going back home to attend school. Yao Jiunn’s sister also misses him a lot,” Lee said.
Moved by the family’s plight, CCEP Foundation will assist in fundraising to cover the boy’s treatment expenses.
Foundation chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon said while Crohn’s disease was not an urgent illness, prolonged illness could lead to malnutrition and trigger other serious complications.
As Yao Jiunn’s treatment extends over two years and the medication cost is exceptionally high, she said it was beyond what an average family could afford.
“During this period, Yao Jiunn’s condition has led to recurrent fever, diarrhea, mouth ulcers and might even require the removal of the affected parts of the colon.
“This is an agonizing experience for anyone, let alone a child.”
CCEP will help raise RM56,000 for Yao Jiunn’s medical expenses and is appealing for public support.
To donate, WhatsApp 010-279 8849 or visit www.ccep.org.my.
30/09/2023 (星期六)
善心人士热烈响应 刘天浩医药筹款达标喊停
身为虔诚基督教徒的他,也愿上帝祝福大家。据悉,天浩的父亲刘心祷,现年40岁,是名建筑工地督工,而母亲Nelida Anak Jawa,现年38岁,是在新生村当地一间华小幼儿园任助教,两人育有3个孩子,而天浩是他们唯一的儿子,另有2个女儿,分别是9岁(学生)及2岁。
We are grateful for the kind-hearted group of friends from Wan Nao Jing Xiang Ling who donated RM1800.00 to help young brother Cai Yaojun, who is suffering from “enteritis.” The donation was handed over by Mr. Ke Niande.
The CCEP Foundation will raise funds for Yaojun’s two years of medical expenses, hoping for his speedy recovery.
In Memory of Su Aiwen, a Leukemia Patient
Soo Aiwen, a young woman diagnosed with acute leukemia, lost her battle to the illness and left us on 06/08/23 in the early hours of the morning.
A few months ago, the CCEP Foundation raised 120,000 RM for her to purchase bone marrow. Aiwen’s family wishes for us to continue her spirit of great love by donating to help other patients, thereby carrying forward her legacy of love.
Two patients have benefited from this. One is a Malay woman with leukemia from Sabah, East Malaysia, who has found a suitable bone marrow match and will soon undergo transplantation at Ampang Hospital. The other is a 14-year-old Indian girl from Ipoh, who is suffering from NMDA encephalitis. She requires blood purification to control her condition. The CCEP Foundation is passing on Aiwen’s spirit of love by using the funds raised to immediately assist these two patients in need.
Member of Parliment for Miri, YB Chiew Choon Man, allocated a grant of RM30,000.00 to the CCEP Foundation. YB’s intention is to assist patients from Miri Hospital in covering transportation expenses for receiving treatment at distant hospitals.
Unlike the geographical environment of West Malaysia, in East Malaysia, many indigenous people reside in the deep mountains. To travel to Miri Hospital, they need to traverse mountains, cross rivers, and bridges. Additionally, due to their lack of financial means, they often pass away without treatment or even give up on seeking medical care.
YB Chiew Choon Man and CCEP Miri’s CEO, Lawrence Low, are deeply concerned about the plight of impoverished patients in Miri. They closely collaborate with the Welfare Department of Miri Hospital, aiming to assist more financially disadvantaged patients.
CCEP’s CEO, Yee Poo Yoon, specifically flew to Miri to witness YB Chiew Choon Man charitable act. Those present at the event also included CCEP’s Executive Officer, Ms Chong Yuan Zhen.
02/08/23 (Wednesday),
Yvonne Yee, the Chief Executive Officer of CCEP Foundation, visited a unfortunate family in Kajang. Christine (54 years old) used to be a happy homemaker, but everything changed since her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer.
Currently, her husband is in the advanced stages of cancer. What saddens her even more is that she can’t leave home to take care of her sick husband because they have a mentally challenged son who depends on her. This son is unable to take care of himself and trusts only his mother. When she’s not at home, he won’t even find food to eat when he’s hungry.
Yvonne Yee assisted this distraught and helpless mother in contacting doctors from the Palliative Care Department at Kuala Lumpur Central Hospital to help transfer her husband to the palliative care ward. Additionally, she helped find a center to accommodate her son who cannot care for himself.
Furthermore, Christine is also worried about how she will manage after her husband passes away. Yvonne Yee promised to lend a helping hand as soon as possible if the need arises after her husband’s departure. Hearing these words, Christine’s heart felt less uncertain.
This is also a form of giving. Generosity doesn’t always require money. When others need us, extending a helping hand, providing genuine care, and offering emotional support is already significant enough.
02/08/23 (Wednesday)
CCEP Foundation allocated RM 6402.00 in medical aid to assist Azhar, a 36-year-old Malay man from North Malaysia.Azhar sought medical attention due to discomfort in his body and, upon undergoing an X-ray, doctors discovered an abnormal shadow on his heart. They advised him to come to IJN (Institut Jantung Negara) for further examinations. IJN doctors recommended that he undergo a catheterization procedure to determine the issue with his heart. The cost of the catheterization procedure amounts to 15,000 MYR. The Ministry of Welfare approved 8,598.00 MYR, leaving the remaining amount for Azhar to cover by himself. However, at the moment, Azhar is unable to afford the cost, prompting him to seek assistance from charitable organizations.Due to the urgency of the situation, the CCEP Foundation promptly approved Azhar’s application.
Sibu Warmth Giving Initiative
Case 2:
Ms. Leong Kim Lian (62 years old), who was diagnosed with breast cancer, has unfortunately faced a series of misfortunes. Her husband passed away two days ago due to a work accident, adding to the sudden blow she has experienced.
Previously, Ms. Leong underwent surgery to remove a tumor from one breast as a result of her breast cancer. However, she has been struggling with another chronic skin condition, Psoriasis, which has caused constant itching and peeling of her hands for many years.
Additionally, the hand on the side where the tumor was removed has been constantly swollen. This is because during the breast removal surgery, the lymph nodes were also removed, disrupting the normal functioning of fluid drainage in the arm, resulting in chronic swelling.
Sibu Warmth Giving Initiative
Case 1:
Ms. Yu Min Qin (56 years old), a woman diagnosed with stage III breast cancer, underwent tumor removal surgery last month. The hospital has arranged for her to undergo radiation therapy at the Central Hospital in Kuching before 20/06/23.
Ms. Yu Min Qin is in a very difficult situation. She has no source of income and lives in an old rented house with her daughter and two grandchildren. Her daughter receives a monthly welfare allowance of RM 300, which just covers the rent of RM 280. Fortunately, they receive support from the church for their food expenses to prevent them from going hungry.
Recently, the CCEP Foundation launched a fundraising campaign for Wu Ailing, a woman suffering from depression. A total of RM3400.00 was raised, which is enough to arrange for her 73-year-old mother, who is unable to take care of herself, to stay at the Shaden Care Home. Mr. Fang Niantai, the village head of Shaden, will coordinate and arrange for the elderly person to go to the care home.
Upon learning that the expenses for this elderly person to stay at the care home are covered by a charitable organization, the director of the care home, Michelle, has decided to provide two months of free diapers as a gesture of goodwill.
Additionally, the HOC Charity Heart Association will provide financial support for Wu Ailing’s mother to stay at the care home for a period of six months.
Next, volunteers from the church will take care of Wu Ailing, hoping that she can overcome the challenges of depression.
10/5/2023 (wednesday)
Attending a program sponsored by CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation for patients receiving palliative care at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Sabah – Wish Trolley.
The patients residing in the ward are all in the terminal stage of their illnesses, and they are tormented by pain every day to the point where they have forgotten what it means to be happy. Smiles have become unfamiliar to them!
Our gesture instantly brings them vitality! They enjoy eating ice cream happily, selecting their favorite gifts. An elderly lady chooses a stuffed toy, which gives her a sense of security, while an elderly uncle selects a hat that makes him feel lively.
Our little act of kindness can bring peace of mind to terminally ill patients. Witnessing these scenes firsthand is truly touching.
10/5/2023 (Rabu)
Menghadiri program yang disponsor oleh Yayasan Pelepasan Kemiskinan CCEP untuk pesakit yang menerima penjagaan paliatif di Hospital Queen Elizabeth di Sabah – Wish Trolley.
Pesakit yang tinggal di wad ini semuanya berada dalam peringkat akhir penyakit mereka, dan mereka dilanda oleh kesakitan setiap hari hingga mereka sudah lupa apa itu kebahagiaan. Senyuman telah menjadi asing bagi mereka!
Gestur kami dengan serta-merta memberikan semangat kepada mereka! Mereka gembira makan ais krim dengan gembira, memilih hadiah pilihan mereka. Seorang wanita tua memilih seekor mainan berbulu yang memberikannya rasa aman, manakala seorang lelaki tua memilih topi yang membuatnya berasa hidup.
Tindakan kecil kebaikan kami dapat memberikan ketenangan kepada pesakit yang sakit kronik. Melihat sendiri adegan-adegan ini benar-benar menyentuh hati.
The CEO of the CCEP Foundation, along with the head of the welfare group, Lim Pog Choo( Pcl Lim) , and project consultant,Diana Ooi Kian Choo, flew from West Malaysia to East Malaysia to assist a very poor family in Sibu.
An Indigenous Iban woman (53 years old) and her three children were abandoned by her Chinese husband. They used to live in a house owned by her husband, thinking they had a place to live. However, they were forced out after her husband sold the house to a new owner.
In a desperate situation, they built a makeshift hut using wood from the forest and have been living there as a family of four. The living conditions can only be described as “terrible” – drinking rainwater, sleeping on damp ground without a mattress or electricity, and constantly dealing with snakes, insects, and rodents.
Upon learning about their situation, the CEO of the CCEP Foundation, Ms Yee Poo Yoon, immediately mobilized fundraising efforts and raised RM6350.00 in just a few days to pay for their rental fees. At the same time, Winnie Wong, the person in charge of the homeless shelter in Sibu, helped find a house to accommodate the family. Today, they were moved out of their terrible living conditions and temporarily placed in the Sibu homeless center.
The 29 Charity association, Persatuan Kebajikan Shan Xin Xian Ai, and HOC Charity also responded to this act of kindness, donating RM1000.00 each. In addition, many donors from the CCEP Foundation also responded.
CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation – Sending Warmth to Sibu, Sarawak
Today, CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation’s CEO and welfare group leader, Lin Baozhu, along with project consultant, Huang Jianzhu Diana Ooi Kian Choo, flew from West Malaysia to Sibu, Sarawak to assist a very poor family.
An indigenous Iban woman (53 years old) and her three children were abandoned by her Chinese husband. They used to live in a house owned by her husband, thinking that they would have a place to live, but little did they know that her husband had sold the house, and the new owner had driven them away.
In a very helpless situation, they built a makeshift hut in the forest using wood, and the family of four has been living there. Their living conditions can only be described as “terrible”. They drink rainwater, sleep on damp ground, and have no mattress or electricity. They are constantly facing the threat of snakes, insects, rodents, and ants.
Upon learning of their situation, CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation’s CEO, Yu Baofang, immediately launched a fundraiser. In just a few days, they raised RM6,350 to pay for the family’s rent. At the same time, Winnie Wong, the person in charge of the Sibu homeless shelter, helped to find a house for them to live in, and today, they were moved out of the terrible environment and temporarily housed in the Sibu homeless center.
At the same time, the foundation is also very grateful to the 29 Love Donation Group, Kindness Donation Organization, and HOC Charity Heart for responding to this campaign and donating RM1,000 each. In addition, many donors of the CCEP Poverty Alleviation Foundation also responded to the call for help.
21/12/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
19/12/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
12/12/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
04/12/2022 (星期日)
社会扶贫计划协会 – 供养长者计划
30/11/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
28/11/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
19/11/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老人院21人】
14/11/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
09/11/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
也就是两年多了,CCEP FOOD BANK 扶贫计划能坚持到目前也得到大家的善心支持,希望这个计划能一直走下去而给到弱势群体有个温饱的一餐,感恩有你们!
07/11/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
31/10/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
26/10/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
24/10/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
社会扶贫计划协会 – 关怀计划
17/10/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
12/10/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
10/10/2022 (星期一)
05/10/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
03/10/2022 (星期一)
21/09/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黃金老人院】
19/09/2022 (星期一)
05/09/2022 (星期一)
24/08/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
22/08/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
10/08/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
08/08/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
01/08/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
27/07/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
25/07/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
13/07/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
社会扶贫计划协会 – 关怀行动
百物上涨,很多本来就贫困的家庭更加的水深火热。 每月固定发放干粮物资给贫苦家庭是社会扶贫计划协会一定会做的其中一项计划。扶贫计划协会获得热心人士的支持,他们会固定在自己的社交媒体群组发动内部筹款,所筹到的款项全数交给扶贫计划协会安排购买干粮物资去派送。 本协会希望更多人的加入,一起来帮助贫困的家庭,减轻他们的生活负担。
欲捐款者,可汇款至以下户口:- PERSATUAN KEBAJIKAN CCEP CIMB 8009425456
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
社会扶贫计划协会 – 关怀行动
在扶贫计划协会执行长的安排下,热心的经济饭档老板娘 – 蝶姐(阿波罗咖啡店)答应每天会送上爱心饭盒给老婆婆,同时老婆婆的侄儿也获得爱心饭盒一份。
27/06/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
19/06/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
13/06/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 – 关爱行动
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
08/06/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
06/06/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
01/06/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
30/05/2022 (星期一)
社会扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
25/05/2022 (星期一)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP – 供食计划
27/05/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
社会扶贫计划协会 – 供养长者计划
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
23/05/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
11/05/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
09/05/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
02/05/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
社会扶贫计划协会 – 发放干粮援助计划
20/04/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
18/04/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
13/04/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
11/04/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
04/04/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
30/03/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
28/03/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
21/03/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
14/03/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
10/03/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
02/03/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
28/02/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
23/02/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】
14/02/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
09/02/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
07/02/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
26/01/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
社会扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给以下6间中心
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
24/01/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
17/01/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
13/01/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给以下6间中心:-
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
10/01/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
06/01/2022 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给以下6间中心:-
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
03/01/2022 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
01/01/2022 (星期五)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给黄金老人院 20人, CCEP供齋给这一间中心,让中心减轻费用,让他们可以吃素身心又健康。环保救地球和让他们不用和动物结冤。
22/12/2021 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给以下6间中心:-
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
20/12/21 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
13/12/2021 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
01/12/2021 (星期三)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划
扶贫计划协会 Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP 供斋给以下6间中心:-
【Sri jayannti 老人院 20人】【68心愿老人院 15人】【温馨老人院 22人】【盼望之光老人院 23人】【雪隆爱心孤儿院 12人】【黄金老院 20人】
29/11/2021 (星期一)
扶贫计划协会 – 供食计划