Hospice / 临终关怀 

Our hospice services include visits to hospital palliative care wards and home visits to patients, focusing on spiritual care, and providing daily necessities and grain supplies. (Non-medical and pharmaceutical services).



The CCEP Foundation has also set up a “Medical Equipment Assistance Program” for palliative care and hospice care services, to provide the poor with the urgently needed “Oxygen Concentrator” for patients who need short-term and long-term oxygen assistance.

This program has senior specialists as consultants. All patients who need assistance must be recommended by qualified and recognized doctors and must attach a medical report signed by the doctor as proof. The target is to help patients with poor families. At present, charitable organizations that borrow this equipment should not be popular. It is easier to find rental units, but the rent is not cheap. Poor families cannot afford the rent.

CCEP扶贫基金会也为安宁疗护及临终关怀服务项目特别设立了“医疗器材援助计划”, 目的是为贫病者提供迫切需要的“制氣机”(Oxygen Concentrator)。给于短期及长时间需要使用氣气辅助的病人。

此项计划拥有资深的专科医生为顾问医生,凡需要借助的病人必须由合格受承认的医生推荐,并需要附上医生签署的医药报告为凭,对象是帮助家庭贫困的病人。目前有借此器材的慈善单位应该不普及, 租用的反而容易找到,但是租金不便宜, 贫困家庭是没有能力支付租金的。


We regularly receive palliative care and hospice training courses and sharing workshops, hoping to get more people to participate and learn about the need for palliative care and hospice services in society. We also provide a directory service to refer patients to NGOs providing palliative and hospice care.


The Palliative Care and Hospice training courses and sharing workshops will include: –


💕Who needs hospice care the most / 谁最需要临终关怀💕

🌼 How to provide care for terminally ill patients at home / 如何在家中为绝症患者提供护理

🌼 Does the patient need hospice care or does the caregiver / 患者需要临终关怀还是护理人员需要

🌼 How to achieve the best of both worlds in hospice care / 如何在临终关怀中实现两全其美

This is a realistic problem that everyone will face, and it is also a lesson that everyone needs to explore and learn.

Before the problem comes to us, let us prepare ourselves mentally.



Teaching methods: The course will combine a variety of teaching methods such as theoretical explanations, case analysis and group discussions to enhance participants’ learning experience and practical skills. Through interaction and practice, participants will be able to effectively apply the skills and knowledge they have learned in actual work, and enhance their professional ability and confidence in the field of hospice care.
