自立工程2022 – “獻愛心,造希望”捐贈輪椅活動









“Independent Living Project 2022” Press release

“Independent Living Project 2022” is organized by the CCEP Foundation aiming to raise RM120,000 for the purpose of purchase of 50 wheelchairs, Malaysia Independent Living Association for Disabled (MILAD) being the beneficiary of this project.

Ms. Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of CCEP Foundation, said that in this event organized by CCEP Foundation and co-organized by HOC (Heart of Charity) planned to purchase 4 different types of wheelchairs, including: electric wheelchairs, dual-purpose electric wheelchairs, detachable light wheelchairs, and sports wheelchairs. The price of each wheelchair ranges from Rm700 to Rm4,600.

“The epidemic in the past two years has prevented many disabled people from going out to sell products and have no income. Moreover, many of their wheelchairs are dilapidated, and some can’t even source for repair parts. Therefore, the new wheelchairs can not only help them become self-reliant in life, but also facilitate them to go out to work.”

She hopes that this plan will reach its fundraising goal by October so that people with disabilities can go out to work as soon as possible after they have a new wheelchair.

MILAD will be responsible for reviewing all applications, while the CCEP Foundation and HOC (Heart of Charity) will focus on fundraising and purchasing wheelchairs.

She said this when she attended the press conference of “Independent Living Project 2022”. Others in attendance included: YB Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan, member of Parliament of Segambut, Pastor Sia Siew Chin, founder and President of MILAD, and Mr.Yong Wing Cheong, Chairman of HOC  (Heart of Charity)Wheel Chair program

Pastor Sia Siew Chin pointed out that different wheelchairs are suitable for different people with disabilities, but many people donate based on personal judgment, but these types of wheelchairs may not be suitable for people with disabilities.

“If people with disabilities use unsuitable wheelchairs, they will not only be unable to stand on their own, but they will also be more likely to cause more harm. Therefore, in this wheelchair donation program, there are 4 wheelchairs with different functions, and we will allocate them according to their needs.”

YB Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan added that there are a total of 50 headcount in this program. So far, 47 disabled people have been registered on the waiting list. Therefore, she urged on large institutions or private companies, or members of the public to donate hence more people with disabilities are benefited under this program

For those who want to donate to this project, please visit the CCEP Foundation website ccep.org.my or call for details 010-2798849



Save a life by being a donor /成为捐助者拯救生

Stem Cells can be obtained from the peripheral blood, bone marrow or cord blood. These cells can produce all type of blood cells.

What is a stem cell transplant?

A stem cell transplant involves the replacement of a patient’s diseased cells with those from a healthy matched donor. Stem cells are said to match if both the patient and the donor have similar Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA). HLA are proteins that are found on the surface of most cells. Blood is tested to indentify your HLA type.

Am I eligible?

If you are a Malaysian, aged between 18 and 50 years, healthy and free of chronic diseases, you are eligible to register.

What are the steps?

  • If you agree to be a member, you will be required to fill in the consent form for being listed in the database.
  • 10ml of blood or 2ml saliva or buccal swab will be taken to determine your HLA.
  • * All information will be kept confidential.

If you are matched with the patients

  • The MSCR team will contact you and ask you to provide a new blood sample for HLA information.
  • You will then be briefed about the donation process and will undergo a physical examination to determine your health status.
  • Stem cells will be taken from your peripheral blood.

Your donation today may help to save a life tomorrow

Introduction –

Every year, many Malaysians are diagnosed with various blood disorders such as leukaemia, aplastic anaemia or thalassemia.

One treatment option for such patient is stem cell transplant. Patients who cannot find a match within the family have to source an unrelated donor from the donor stem cell registry or the cord blood bank.

The Malaysian stell cell Registry (MSCR) formerly known as the Malaysia Marrow Donor Registry (MMDR) was established in collaboration with the institute for Medical Research, the Ministry of Health Malaysia and the National Cancer Council (MAKNA) in 2000.

This is a database of caring volunteers who have been tested and are willing to donate stem cells to any patients in need of a stem cell transplant.

Be someone who cares. Find out if you are a match.

Register now and become a stem cell donor today.

Contact us at:

Malaysian Stem Cell Registry (MSCR)

Institute for Medical Research

Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-26162790 /2780

Fax: 03-26912019

Email: mscr@imr.gov.my  /  malaysianstemcellregistry@gmail.com

干细胞移植包括用来自健康匹配供体的细胞替换患者的患病细胞。如果患者和供体都具有相似的人类白细胞抗原(HLA),则称干细胞匹配。 HLA是在大多数细胞表面上发现的蛋白质。血液经过测试以识别您的HLA类型。




介绍 –


Malaysian Stem Cell Registry (MSCR)

Institute for Medical Research

Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-26162790 /2780

Fax: 03-26912019

Email: mscr@imr.gov.my  /  malaysianstemcellregistry@gmail.com
