Three-month-old baby with congenital heart disease urgently needs heart surgery/小佳文心脏有孔, 需紧急进行心脏手术

小佳文心脏有孔, 需紧急进行心脏手术   小佳文手术费已筹足 停止代收捐款 CCEP扶贫基金会衷心感激广大善心朋友捐助小佳文,让她顺利完成手术 小佳文妈妈致电告知,小宝贝已在昨天24/10/24做手术,手术非常成功,目前还需要在PICU观察,预计两天后可以转去普通病房了。 小佳文爸爸和妈妈热泪盈眶的在电话感动的说到,感恩大家的帮忙,感恩CCEP的协助,小佳文才有机会重获健康的身体。 妈妈说以后等孩子长大一点,她也会尽自己的能力回馈给需要的病人,或抽时间去做义工来报答所有关心小佳文的善心人士。



小佳文手术费已筹足 – 停止代收捐款





Donations Closed

The CCEP Foundation sincerely thanks all the kind-hearted donors for supporting baby Jiawen, and enabling her to undergo surgery successfully.
Jiawen’s mother called to share that the baby had her surgery on 24/10/24, and it was a great success. She is currently under observation in the PICU, and they expect her to be transferred to a general ward in two days.
Jiawen’s parents, overwhelmed with emotion, expressed their heartfelt gratitude over the phone, thanking everyone for their support and CCEP’s assistance, which gave Jiawen the chance to regain her health.
Her mother said that once Jiawen grows older, she will also do her best to give back—either by helping other patients in need or volunteering her time to repay the kindness shown to Jiawen.