Monthly Donation of RM10/月捐RM10计划

Monthly Donation of RM10/月捐RM10计划 自成立CCEP扶贫计划协会以来,一直都推动多项扶贫项目,包括;【供养长者计划】,【供食计划】,【粮食援助计划】等. 这三项计划是真正有效的让贫困的受惠者受益。 CCEP扶贫计划协会及CCEP扶贫基金会联合发起【月捐10令吉计划】 只需要大家每个月捐助10令吉,就可以协助我们推动3个慈善项目,于此同时,也呼吁大家积极的转发给您们身边的同事,朋友以及家人。 集合大家的爱心,让贫穷的人可以三餐温饱。 Since the establishment of the CCEP Association, it has been promoting several poverty alleviation projects, including; the Sponsor-An-Elderly Program, FoodBank Program, and Food Aid Program. These programs are truly effective in benefiting the poor beneficiaries CCEP Association and CCEP Foundation jointly launched the [Monthly Donation of […]


Monthly Donation of RM10/月捐RM10计划

自成立CCEP扶贫计划协会以来,一直都推动多项扶贫项目,包括;【供养长者计划】,【供食计划】,【粮食援助计划】等. 这三项计划是真正有效的让贫困的受惠者受益。




Since the establishment of the CCEP Association, it has been promoting several poverty alleviation projects, including; the Sponsor-An-Elderly Program, FoodBank Program, and Food Aid Program. These programs are truly effective in benefiting the poor beneficiaries

CCEP Association and CCEP Foundation jointly launched the [Monthly Donation of RM10].

You only need to donate RM10 per month to help us promote 3 charity projects. At the same time, we also call on everyone to actively forward it to your colleagues, friends, and family around you!

Gather everyone’s love so that the poor can have three meals a day.

Recurring donations / 定期捐款
Please support us through monthly recurring donations.
Use the following link platform to make a monthly recurring donation of RM10.

