赖政玮被癫痫症折磨16年 盼筹10万手术费摆脱癫痫恶梦
04/01/2025 (星期五)
她回忆说,赖政玮昏迷期间一直发烧,医生就抽取他的骨髓检验,担心患上脑膜炎,听到这个消息真的让他感到很害怕, 那时候刚好行动管制令,不能在医院逗留太久,回到家经常忐忑不安。后来证实他没有脑膜炎,直到第三天才退烧,第5天醒来,第六天就出院了。经过这件事情后,从此她不敢乱乱停药了。
她曾经告诉孩子说:“如果你妈妈我不够坚强的话,我早就傻了!” 赖政玮16年的抽搐日子让她一直感到很担心,不能让孩子离开自己的视线。有时候朋友叫她出去吃东西,她真的不敢出去,即便出去买菜,也要很“快手快脚”。
捐款可直接汇款至 :
CCEP Foundation – RHB 26219300009342
捐款注明 :赖政玮
询问电话 : 010-2798849 / 03-7955 9999
WhatsApp : whatsapp :https://wa.link/9e6uw7
A Young man has been suffering from epilepsy for 16 years and hopes to raise 100,000 yuan for surgery to get rid of the nightmare of epilepsy
Help 21-Year-Old Lai Zheng Wei Escape a 16-Year Nightmare of Epilepsy: Your Donation Can Give Him a Chance at Life!
Lai Zheng Wei, a 21-year-old young man, has been battling epilepsy for 16 long years. He desperately needs RM100,000 for a life-changing surgery to break free from his debilitating condition and live the life he deserves.
His mother, Leong Suay Kuen, a homemaker from Kampar, Perak, recalls how this heartbreaking journey began when Zheng Wei was just five years old.
“At first, I didn’t know it was epilepsy. I had never seen anyone with these symptoms, and I didn’t know what to do,” she shared. “The first time he had a seizure, his arms stretched out stiffly, his eyes wide open as if staring into space. It happened four or five times a day, each lasting a minute or two.”
Initially, she sought help from a paediatrician in Ipoh, spending over RM300 monthly on medication. Later, she found a pharmacy with cheaper alternatives, reducing the cost to around RM200. Zheng Wei took these medications until he turned 12, but even then, his seizures persisted.
A pharmacist later warned her about the long-term effects of the drugs on his brain development and recommended consulting a neurologist at the Ipoh government hospital. After several years of treatment, Zheng Wei’s condition remained unstable.
The family’s struggle took a terrifying turn one night when Zheng Wei had a severe seizure at home. “It was around 1 a.m. He kept seizing, his face turning purple. My husband rushed him to the hospital. The doctor later told us, ‘Your son wasn’t breathing when he arrived.’ Thankfully, they managed to save him, but he had to be sedated for four days to prevent further seizures,” she recalled.
Zheng Wei’s condition left his mother in constant fear. She slept in the same room to protect him during seizures, often holding him down to prevent injuries. “Sometimes, his strength during a seizure is so overwhelming, I can only do my best to shield him,” she said.
Over the years, Zheng Wei has struggled not only with his health but also with the emotional toll of his condition. “He once told me, ‘Mom, why did you give birth to me like this? Do you know I’ve thought about ending it all?’ Those words broke my heart,” his mother shared, holding back tears.
Despite the challenges, Zheng Wei now works at a restaurant in Ipoh, where his employer accommodates his condition. However, his seizures still rob him of a normal life.
A ray of hope has appeared in the form of a groundbreaking SEEG (stereo electroencephalogram) minimally invasive surgery available in the United States. This advanced technique has a success rate of over 90%, offering Zheng Wei the chance to live seizure-free.
The procedure uses tiny electrodes to map the brain’s epileptic regions, minimizing the need for open-brain surgery and significantly reducing risks. This could be Zheng Wei’s best—and only—chance to reclaim his future.
As a mother, Leong Suay Kuen pleads, “If the surgery succeeds, I want him to see the world and live the life he dreams of. But if we don’t try, how can he ever escape this nightmare? How will he live after I’m gone?”
CCEP’s CEO, Yvonne Yee, is leading efforts to raise RM100,000 for Zheng Wei’s surgery. We urgently need your help to free him from this 16-year torment and give him a chance at a life filled with hope and freedom.
Every donation, no matter how small, brings Zheng Wei closer to the life he deserves. Please help us give him the chance to see a brighter tomorrow.
Donate today and be a part of this life-changing journey.
Free Malaysia Today
5-year-old with cancer needs funds for lifesaving treatments
Diagnosed with stage-4 neuroblastoma, Nur Zara needs to be treated with the immunotherapy drug Qarziba, which will cost some RM232,000.
5-year-old with cancer needs funds for lifesaving treatments | FMT
18/11/2024 (星期一)
17/11/2024 (星期日)
5岁小女生患第四期神经母细胞瘤, 急需筹募医药费延续性命
她说,去年6月16日 她带孩子去吉隆坡政府医院检查身体,医生抽血检查后,医生读取血液报告后,他怀疑孩子患有贫血,因为孩子的血红蛋白低至8,所以医生建议去附近的政府诊所做进一步的贫血检查。
“今年9月开始,阿菲雅被安排做一些列骨髓移植手术, 并在指定日期将骨髓重新注入他的体内。”
* 9月6日 —— 孩子入住干细胞移植(SCT)病房。
* 9月11日 ——进入手术室,提取260毫升的骨髓。
* 9月12日 ——医生允许孩子暂且回家休息。
* 9月16日——再次入院开始移植过程,这期间会进行为期5天的高强度化疗。
* 9月26日和27日 ——开始为期两天的移植过程,将孩子的骨髓重新注入体内。这时,孩子开始经历术后所带来的副作用,最严重是频繁呕吐甚至吐血,还伴有持续几周的腹泻。
* 10月22日—— 医生允许出院。孩子在SCT病房住了1个月零6天,现在孩子的血液正在修复中,然而血小板却频繁下降,因此需要每两天前往医院进行血液检查。
诺拉表示,目前尚未完成的治疗包括:Rapid Cojec方案(8个疗程)、低剂量化疗(7个疗程)、TVD方案(4个疗程)。
“目前孩子的情况算是稳定,只是每天需要使用外壳铸模(Body Cast)支撑身体,睡觉时可以被允许脱下。”
捐款可直接汇款至 :
CCEP Foundation – RHB 26219300009342
捐款注明 :Nur Zara
询问电话 : 010-2798849 / 03-7955 9999
WhatsApp : whatsapp :https://wa.link/9e6uw7
Five-year-old girl has stage 4 neuroblastoma and urgently needs funds to save her life!
Five-year-old Nur Zara has unfortunately been diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma and urgently needs to raise RM232,000 to purchase the expensive medication Qarziba to boost her immune system and save her life!
Afia’s mother, Nora (31, a homemaker), shared in an interview that her daughter’s legs suddenly became paralyzed, accompanied by intermittent fever, last year. She took her daughter to a private clinic for an X-ray of her legs, but the doctor found no fractures or cracks and said everything was normal. However, since the fever persisted, the doctor only recommended fever-reducing medication.
“A week later, the fever subsided, and my daughter could walk again. But shortly after, the fever returned, and her legs became paralyzed again. I took her to the clinic, where the doctor diagnosed tonsillitis and prescribed antibiotics, but the fever didn’t improve.”
She recalled that on June 16 last year, she brought her daughter to the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital for a check-up. After a blood test, the doctor suspected anemia because her hemoglobin level was as low as 8 and advised a follow-up at a nearby government clinic for further anemia testing.
On June 18, she returned to the same hospital because her daughter complained of severe spinal pain. Another blood test showed persistently low hemoglobin levels, prompting the doctor to schedule a follow-up appointment for more tests.
“Two days later, I went back to the hospital because my daughter was in so much spinal pain she couldn’t sleep, and she was still feverish. From that day, my daughter was hospitalized for nearly two months, and she was eventually diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma (NB). The cancer cells had spread to her spine, causing partial spinal fractures. The MRI scan revealed the primary tumor was located in her abdomen, near the adrenal glands.”
“On July 26, she underwent surgery to remove the tumor and had a central venous catheter inserted, followed by chemotherapy starting August 7.”
“In September this year, Nur Zara began a series of bone marrow transplants, during which her bone marrow was reintroduced into her body on scheduled dates.”
She added that radiotherapy is expected to begin in early December, followed by Qarziba treatment in February next year. The doctor informed them that 10 vials of Qarziba are required to treat her, and since this medication is imported, it is very expensive.
“Currently, Nur Zara’s condition is relatively stable, but she needs to wear a body cast for support throughout the day, only removing it during sleep.”
“She can’t attend school anymore because she needs to go to the hospital for blood tests almost every two days. We only have one daughter and are doing our best to treat her. The doctor warned us that many of the treatments would have side effects, so we are strictly following their advice.”
CCEP CEO Yvonne Yee explained that neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that develops from immature nerve cells in several areas of the body, most commonly in or around the adrenal glands. These glands, located above the kidneys, share the same origin as nerve cells. However, neuroblastoma can also occur in the abdomen, chest, neck, and near the spine, where clusters of nerve cells are found. It most frequently affects children under five years old.
“It originates from immature nerve cells formed during fetal development. At birth, most neuroblast cells mature, but some remain immature. In most cases, these cells eventually mature or disappear. However, some develop into tumors, known as neuroblastoma.”
“Since Afia is suffering from stage four neuroblastoma and the cancer has spread to her spine, a series of treatments are necessary. It is crucial to raise funds for the Qarziba medication as soon as possible to sustain her life. We sincerely hope everyone can generously contribute to help her through this difficult time.”
News published in Oriental Daily: 5-year-old girl with stage 4 neuroblastoma needs to raise RM232,000 for medical expenses:
CCEP Foundation official website:
Those who are interested in donating can deposit their donation directly into the following account:
Bank A/C: CCEP FOUNDATION – RHB 26219300009342
Donation Please remark: Nur Zara
Contact number: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849
If u need receipt pls WhatsApp us the Transaction details:https://wa.link/tzmmgy
Website: ccep.org.my
小佳文手术费已筹足 – 停止代收捐款
Donations Closed
3个月大患严重心脏病 小佳文急需3万手术费 | 中马 | 地方 | 東方網 馬來西亞東方日報
23/10/2024 (星期三)
小佳文心脏有孔, 需紧急进行心脏手术
Three-month-old baby with congenital heart disease urgently needs heart surgery
Three-month-old Lew Jia Wen, born with a severe congenital heart disease, urgently underwent heart surgery. Now, RM30,000 is needed to save this little life!
Her mother, Wong Yoke Ling (34, a housewife), shared that Jia Wen was delivered via C-section and was unconscious at birth, with her whole-body limp. She was immediately transferred to another government hospital for detailed scans, where doctors discovered she had Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR), a rare heart condition.
“In addition to TAPVR, my baby also has two holes in her heart. The doctors said it was fortunate that her life could still be saved; otherwise, she could have passed away right after birth.”
Yvonne Yee, the CEO of CCEP Foundation, explained that TAPVR is a rare congenital heart defect present at birth. Due to the severity of Jia Wen’s condition, her surgery was scheduled early at the National Heart Institute (IJN) on October 23.
“We aim to raise RM30,000 to cover the surgery and post-discharge expenses. We will also continue to support the family with RM1,000 for follow-up medical consultations and provide expensive nutritional formula for one year.”
“We understand that Jia Wen’s father, a technician specializing in air-conditioning, earns less than RM2,500 per month. Supporting the entire household on this income is already challenging, not to mention covering the surgery costs. Therefore, we decided to offer financial assistance to the family for a year.”
户口号码: RHB 26219300009342
询问电话☎:03-7955 9999/ 010-2798849
If u need receipt pls whatsapp us the Transaction details :https://wa.link/tzmmgy
请游览网页 / Website: ccep.org.my
03/10/2024 (星期四)
华裔男童心脏有孔急需动手术 单亲爸望大众助筹儿6万手术费
02/10/2024 (星期三)
他表示,经过详细检查后,儿子除了心脏有孔,心脏还出现部分型肺静脉回流异常(partial anomalous pulmonary venous return ,简称PAPVR),儿子的血液回流情况有异,导致其中一个心房肿胀。
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
捐款请注明: Tan Kwan Yu
An 8-year-old boy with heart disease urgently needs to raise RM60K for surgery
An 8-year-old boy, Tan Kwan Yu, was diagnosed with a heart defect four years ago. This year, doctors found that the hole in his heart has grown from 8mm to 12mm, and he has also developed a condition called Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (PAPVR). He urgently needs RM60,000 for surgery.
His father, Tan Chee Fui (43, a renovation worker), explained that four years ago, during the COVID-19 lockdown, his son had breathing issues and a persistent cough. His sister took the boy to a pediatrician who detected a heart murmur and referred him to a cardiologist, leading to the diagnosis of a heart defect with an 8mm hole. Initially, doctors recommended monitoring the situation yearly, as small holes can close naturally. However, this year, the hole increased to 12mm, and the child developed PAPVR, causing swelling in one of his heart chambers due to abnormal blood flow.
Tan Chee Fui described the emotional toll, of constantly worrying about his son’s future. While his son shows no outward symptoms, he is thin, pale, and has a small appetite. Despite his son’s relatively normal appearance, his heart condition prevents him from engaging in strenuous physical activity.
CCEP Foundation’s CEO, Yvonne Yee emphasized the urgency of the situation. PAPVR is a congenital heart defect where blood vessels from the lungs are incorrectly attached to the heart, leading to excess blood in the heart’s right side, causing it to swell. The surgery is crucial to restore Tan Kwan Yu’s health.
For those wishing to donate, contributions can be made directly to the following account:
Bank: RHB 26219300009342
For inquiries, contact: 03-7955 9999
Please send donation receipts to: https://wa.link/tzmmgy
Website: ccep.org.my
Donation Please remark: Tan Kwan Yu
06/08/2024 (星期二)
8个月大婴儿患胆道闭锁 急需13.5万赴中国进行肝移植
01/08/2024 (星期四)
来自八丁燕带的亚什瓦丹出生4个月后,被诊断患上胆道闭锁(Biliary Atresia,简称BA),这会引起胆汁在肝脏内聚积,可以引起肝脏不可逆的损伤,所以必须尽早动手术。
“当这一切处理后,未来可能会搞一个非政府组织,类似疗愈群组, 当别人给予我们的孩子机会时,我们也可以给予其他婴儿机会。”
捐款可直接汇款给CCEP扶贫基金会的户口,汇款银行 : RHB 26219300009342, 或游览CCEP网页 ccep.org.my,任何询问也可以Whatsapp至 010-2798849 或致电 03-7955 9999 捐款单据请发至:https://wa.link/tzmmgy
An 8-month-old baby unfortunately suffers from congenital biliary atresia and urgently needs to raise RM135,000 to go to China for a liver transplant surgery to save his life!
YAASHVATHAN from BATANG BERJUNTAI was diagnosed with biliary atresia (BA) at 4 months old. This condition causes bile to accumulate in the liver, leading to irreversible liver damage, so surgery must be performed as soon as possible.
YAASHVATHAN’s father, SARAVANAN, an assistant Project Manager, said in an interview that when the baby was 4 months old, they noticed jaundice and yellowing eyes, so they took him to a nearby clinic. The doctor said jaundice is normal for newborns and would go away in two or three days, advising them not to worry.
“But after two or three days, the baby’s eyes became yellow, so we went to a private hospital for a blood test. The report showed an unusual condition in the liver, and the doctor suspected biliary atresia. He referred us to another private hospital for further examination.”
“After examination at another private hospital, it was confirmed that the baby had biliary atresia and needed a Kasai procedure. The doctor said the surgery was expensive at the private hospital and suggested we go to a government hospital.”
He said that the bilirubin levels were low in the first month after the surgery, but they increased in the second month and remained high in the following months, indicating the surgery had failed.
“Later, we went to University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), where the doctor said the baby needed a liver transplant and suggested we go to China, providing the relevant reports to a hospital there.”
“YAASHVATHAN is our second child, and our first son has no health problems. We were heartbroken to find out that our second child had biliary atresia. We knew nothing about this condition, so I kept searching for information online.”
SARAVANAN mentioned that he has a healthy body, as shown by his medical reports. However, his wife has high blood pressure. When they discovered the baby’s health issue, they were both at a loss, especially his wife, who often cried. As her husband, he constantly comforted her.
He said the baby currently has no issues drinking milk or eating solid food, but his stool is pale, and his urine is darker. The baby also needs to take six medications daily (four in the morning and two at night), and his wife is responsible for administering them.
“There are both liquid and tablet medications. We crush the tablets and mix them with water before giving them to the baby. Administering the medication is not easy; sometimes the baby doesn’t want to open his mouth and cries. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to give him the medicine. These medicines are bitter, but they are necessary for his survival.”
He said the baby’s body cannot tolerate high temperatures, or his skin turns red, so they need to use an air conditioner.
“These past months have been very hot, making the baby uncomfortable, so we try to keep him cool with air conditioning. As he is only 8 months old, he cannot express if he is itchy, but I notice him touching his tummy.”
He said taking the baby to China for treatment is his only hope, as he knows of many successful cases and feels confident.
“In the beginning, we didn’t understand the baby’s health problem. Besides searching for information online, we met a Malay friend at UMMC whose child also has biliary atresia, and we shared our experiences.”
“We gave life to our baby, hoping he would grow up healthy and be a good person. When he developed this condition, we realized the importance of health. We hope the surgery will allow him to live a normal life and that we can help other newborns in the future.”
“Once everything is settled, we might start a non-governmental organization, similar to a support group, to give other babies the opportunities our child received.”
CCEP Foundation CEO Yvonne Yee Poo Yoon said that Biliary Atresia is a severe liver and bile duct disease common in infancy. Shortly after birth, the bile ducts become inflamed and blocked, causing bile to remain in the liver and quickly damaging liver cells, leading to cirrhosis.
She said that generally, the liver function of patients who undergo the Kasai procedure can be maintained for two to three years before gradually losing function. However, YAASHVATHAN’s liver function is down to 20%, so his doctor recommended a liver transplant as soon as possible.
She continued, saying that YAASHVATHAN and his mother both have type O blood, making her the most suitable donor. However, due to her kidney issues and high blood pressure, she cannot donate her liver to the child.
“After discussions by the liver transplant team, it was decided that the father, who has type B blood, would be the donor. However, due to the different blood types and the current limitations of liver transplant technology in Malaysia, the doctor recommended sending the child to Renji Hospital in Shanghai, China, for the surgery.”
“This family was originally middle-class, with the parents’ salaries supporting the household. However, YAASHVATHAN’s condition requires a large sum for the surgery, so they are seeking public donations to quickly get the child to Renji Hospital in Shanghai for the operation.”
For more information please visit: ccep.org.my Donation please remark: Baby YAASHVATHAN, for further inquiry please contact: 03-7955 9999 or WhatsApp: 010-2798849
20/05/2024 (星期一)
患心脏有孔3个月大宝宝 急筹4.5万手术费救命
来自柔佛哥打丁宜的1岁3个月的宝宝苏菲尔,在出生时被证实患有先天性室间隔缺损(ventricular septal defect, VSD)也称心脏有孔。
捐款可直接汇款给CCEP扶贫基金会的户口,汇款银行 : RHB 26219300009342, 或游览CCEP网页 ccep.org.my,任何询问也可以Whatsapp至 010-2798849 或致电 03-7955 9999
脑积水加S骨矫正手术费需5万 徐佩晏家人盼公众伸出援手
“可是之前大家筹给我们的钱,已经用作小脑下垂和脑积水的手术费了,如今S骨矫正的手术费已经增加到5万了,对我们来说又是一个更庞大的数字了 。”
他披露,佩晏自从在11岁被发现脊椎有问题后,就从未以平躺的姿势一觉到天明,由于脊椎的压迫上学背书包就会感觉疼痛,加上少女青春期发育,让本来就 内向的她更加沉默。
“佩晏的问题早在疫情之前就发现了,奈何碰到管制令我们也无法求医,开放后又因手术拖到现在,如果再拖下去对她的骨骼和心理成长都会造成影响,并错过 了发育时期。”
CCEP扶贫基金会执行长馀宝枟表示,基于佩晏的脊椎倾斜程度从之前的63度已经变成了78.3度,手术的难度以及所需的铁片和螺丝数量也增加,以致手术费也比2022年 增加了。
11/03/2024 (星期一)
Woman seeking aid for cochlear implant
KIEW Tze Mei from Sibu, Sarawak, has severe damage to her cochlea which makes hearing aids ineffective.
Doctors have recommended a cochlear implant but Kiew’s family cannot afford the RM72,000 needed for the surgery.
Her family has reached out to the CCEP Foundation for help.
In response, foundation chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon flew to Sibu to visit Kiew and gather more information.
Kiew has been gradually losing her hearing in both ears over the years and was fitted with a hearing aid.
Her family could only afford one hearing aid.
However, in recent years, the effectiveness of the hearing aid has diminished and she needs to get an artificial cochlear implanted.
Her husband Leong Chee Ann runs a small noodle stall,
She has three sons with the eldest working in a paint shop, the second managing a stall at the market and the third unable to work due to prolonged illness and his own child to care for.
The family is facing significant challenges.
In the past when Kiew’s hearing aid was still effective, she helped Leong operate the stall and managed to do household tasks.
However, due to her complete loss of hearing, she is now confined to her home.
She also suffers from diabetes and low blood pressure, leading to falls and injuries.
Her inability to hear prevents her from caring for her grandchild.
Although the hospital did arrange an operation, a fall at home led to Kiew getting an infection which required over a month of hospitalization, delaying the cochlear operation.
“With so many worries, we just take things one step at a time. It is difficult,” said Leong.
Yee said the foundation would assist in fundraising for Tze Mei’s surgery.
For details, call 03-7955 9999 or email admin@ccep.org.my
有意捐款者可撥電:010-2798849向基金會洽詢,捐款單据請發至:https://wa.link/tzmmgy,基金會網站為ccep.org.my。或可匯款到:CCEP Foundation(RHB 26219300009342)
有意捐款者可撥電:010-2798849向基金會洽詢,捐款單据請發至:https://wa.link/tzmmgy,基金會網站為ccep.org.my。或可匯款到:CCEP Foundation(RHB 26219300009342)
13/01/2024 (星期六)
另外,CCEP 扶贫基金会还协助她申请免费宿舍,并安排助理亲自去机场接她们,第二天陪同她进院接受检查。
根据医院主治医生的检测报告显示,陈祖恩脊椎弧度已经弯曲超过100 度,状况十分严重。若不尽快接受矫正手术,情况可能加剧,甚至有生命危险。
因此,她通过CCEP扶贫基金会向社会热心人士发起筹款行动。捐款可直接汇款至 CCEP Foundation(RHB 26219300009342),请在备注中注明:“Chan Zou En”。
欲询问或了解更多有关陈祖恩病况的民众,可联系:010 – 279 8849或游览网站www.ccep.org.my。
根据医院主治医生的检测报告显示,陈祖恩脊椎弧度已经弯曲超过100 度,状况十分严重,若不尽快接受矫正手术,情况可能加剧,甚至有生命危险。
捐款可直接汇款至CCEP Foundation(RHB 26219300009342),并在备注中注明:“Chan Zou En”。
欲询问或了解更多有关陈祖恩病况的民众,可联系手机010-2798849,或游览网站 www.ccep.org.my。
(TAWAU, 9th News) – Chan Zou En from Sabah’s Tawau, a 15-year-old, unfortunate to suffer from scoliosis, urgently needs to raise RM80,000 for surgery. The hope is that various sectors of society can extend a helping hand, generously contribute, and assist her in receiving treatment as soon as possible.
Thanks to the introduction by a Malaysian charity organization, Chan Zou En received assistance from Ms Yee Poon Yoon the CEO of CCEP Foundation. During this medical journey arranged to Kuala Lumpur’s Hospital UMSC for testing, she received support from kind-hearted individuals, including airfare and hospital testing fees. In addition, CCEP Foundation assisted her in applying for free accommodation, arranging an assistant to personally pick them up at the airport, and accompanying her to the hospital for examination the next day.
According to the test report from the hospital’s attending doctor, Chan Zuo En’s spinal curvature has already exceeded 100 degrees, and the condition is very serious. If corrective surgery is not done soon, the situation could worsen, even posing a risk to her life.
Given this, the attending doctor strongly recommends that Chan Zou En undergo surgery as soon as possible during the upcoming Chinese New Year. As the surgery costs as much as RM80,000, and Chan Zou En comes from a financially challenged family unable to bear this expense, she has initiated a fundraising campaign through the CCEP Foundation. Donations can be directly transferred to CCEP Foundation (RHB 26219300009342), with a note specifying “Chan Zou En.”
CCEP Foundation appeals to all sectors of society to be generous and hopes to collectively help Chan Zou En raise the necessary surgery funds quickly, allowing her to receive treatment, escape life-threatening conditions, and embark on the road to recovery.
For inquiries or to learn more about Chan Zou En’s condition, please contact: 010-279 8849 or visit the website www.ccep.org.my.
CCEP Foundation is extending support to little Rizky, a 1-year and 4-month-old baby from the Iban tribe in Miri, East Malaysia. Unfortunately, he has been diagnosed with a very rare condition – Citrullinaemia type 1. Children with this condition cannot absorb any protein from their diet. The inability to break down proteins leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, requiring blood dialysis to remove these toxins. If not treated, the toxins can damage various organs, especially the brain, resulting in intellectual disabilities, and the patient may become intellectually disabled for life.
To identify the cause of Rizky’s condition, genetic testing is recommended by the genetic specialists at the University Malaya Medical Centre. This testing involves sending his blood to the United States for analysis, incurring a cost of approximately USD 350.00.
Rizky’s parents, coming from the impoverished mountainous region, face financial challenges. His father is a casual laborer, and his mother is currently unemployed, making it impossible for them to cover the cost of the genetic testing.
The attending physician has sought assistance from charitable organizations to help Rizky. CCEP Foundation has graciously agreed to cover the expenses for the genetic testing, ensuring that he receives a timely and comprehensive treatment plan.
7/11/2023 (星期四)
伦乐医院设备老旧 地方人口增加 CCEP发动筹款添购器材
欲捐款的善心人士,可以将善款转到一下户口: CCEP Foundation , RHB 26219300009342,询问电话或Whatsapp 010-2798849。
东马一男婴患心脏有孔 尚缺手术费 RM 22750
(古晋31日讯)一家7口仅靠父亲每月500令吉的微薄收入支撑,偏偏1岁4个月大的小儿子莫哈末亚当又患有先天性心脏有孔,手术费需马币5万2750令吉,让原本就赤贫的家庭陷入困境。 幸在国家心脏中心基金会的协助下,拨出马币3万令吉给亚当,惟尚差马币2万2750令吉,由CCEP社会扶贫基金会发动募捐及代收义款。 来自沙巴山打根的亚当,出生5天就被医生诊断患有心脏有孔,出生至今,小小的身躯就已经经历了8次大小手术,如今心脏情况越发严重,不得不再次进行手术。
她指出,亚当一家7口成员,包括爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、爷爷、奶奶、外公以及外婆全部住在一起,全家只靠亚当爸爸一人做维修汽车散工,每月收入大约马币500令吉左右,偶尔其家婆也有接一些裁缝手工活来做赚点费用,要供给全家的生活费,根本没有能力负担亚当的医药费。 其母亲表示,家里的长辈都上了年纪,她则要照顾两个小孩,尤其是经常需要进出医院的亚当,根本没有外出工作的机会。 与此同时,CCEP社会扶贫基金会首席执行长余宝枟指出,亚当的家庭收入状况可说是非常贫穷,而且其父亲没有收入证明,很难向政府单位申请拨款;若政府或慈善机构不给予协助的话,他们是完全负担不了医疗费用。 “国家心脏中心基金会已经拨出3万令吉的款项,给亚当用作部分手术费了,剩余的2万2750则由CCEP协助筹款完成。”
她说,东马许多家庭都处于赤贫的状况,不管居住环境或者是医疗条件都欠佳,因此CCEP也会深入当中给予协助。 “我们的救助对象,是没有东西马、种族和宗教之分,只要是迫切需要的,经由我们调查,以及院方的证实,我们都会给予协助的机会。”
欲捐款的善心人士,可直接汇款至CCEP FOUNDATION RHB 26219300009342,捐款请注明MUHAMMAD ADAM,询问电话或WhatsApp,手机010-2798849。
生来帅气的刘天浩小弟弟,是来自古晋新生村,即将年满13岁天浩,之前被诊断患上“莱伯遗传性视神经病变”,必须及时获得医治,否则最终会导致双眼失明。 而唯一能医治此病的方式,就是为眼睛进行“细胞疗法”,才有机会恢复视力。
AFFLICTED with Crohn’s disease, Chai Yao Jiunn isn’t living the life of a typical nine-year-old boy in Kuala Lumpur.
Due to inflammatory bowel disease, Yao Jiunn has been hospitalized for months.
He has not been able to eat for the past few months and solely subsists on nutritional fluids.
This has caused great suffering for the child who used to enjoy eating.
His mother, Lee Sew Ken, 41, said her son had always been healthy.
However, since his Crohn’s disease diagnosis last February, Yao Jiunn has been constantly afflicted by infections leading to fever, mouth ulcers, and wound inflammation, leaving his body in a very weakened state.
His doctors are planning to conduct a two-year treatment for Yao Jiunn, who will be receiving Infliximab injections to manage his condition.
However, the treatment costs RM56,000, which Yao Jiunn’s family cannot afford.
“To take better care of Yao Jiunn, I have stopped working as a salesperson so I can stay in the hospital with him.
“We currently depend entirely on my husband’s income as a store manager,” said Lee.
She said they had been forced to borrow money from relatives and friends to cover their son’s medical expenses.
Even then, this hasn’t been enough to cover Yao Jiunn’s monthly medical costs.
In order to manage Yao Jiunn’s condition, he has received 10 Infliximab injections over the past six months.
Leaving the hospital would increase his susceptibility to infection.
“To assist in his waste elimination, the doctors have created an artificial opening for him.
“He needs two to four ostomy bags per day and these bags range in cost between RM400 and RM500 per month.
“This doesn’t even include the expenses for injections, lubricants and ointments.
“Yao Jiunn really enjoys going to school. The hospital has an affiliated school and whenever his condition allows, he will attend classes.
“He loves learning and he looks forward to being discharged and going back home to attend school. Yao Jiunn’s sister also misses him a lot,” Lee said.
Moved by the family’s plight, CCEP Foundation will assist in fundraising to cover the boy’s treatment expenses.
Foundation chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon said while Crohn’s disease was not an urgent illness, prolonged illness could lead to malnutrition and trigger other serious complications.
As Yao Jiunn’s treatment extends over two years and the medication cost is exceptionally high, she said it was beyond what an average family could afford.
“During this period, Yao Jiunn’s condition has led to recurrent fever, diarrhea, mouth ulcers and might even require the removal of the affected parts of the colon.
“This is an agonising experience for anyone, let alone a child.”
CCEP will help raise RM56,000 for Yao Jiunn’s medical expenses and is appealing for public support.
To donate, WhatsApp 010-279 8849 or visit www.ccep.org.my.
善心人士热烈响应 刘天浩医药筹款达标喊停
身为虔诚基督教徒的他,也愿上帝祝福大家。据悉,天浩的父亲刘心祷,现年40岁,是名建筑工地督工,而母亲Nelida Anak Jawa,现年38岁,是在新生村当地一间华小幼儿园任助教,两人育有3个孩子,而天浩是他们唯一的儿子,另有2个女儿,分别是9岁(学生)及2岁。
据悉,居住在新生村,现年40岁的刘心祷,是名建筑工地督工,而现年38岁的太太Nelida Anak Jawa,是当地一间华小幼儿园助教,两人育有3个孩子,而天浩是他们唯一的儿子,另有2个女儿,分别是9岁(学生)及2岁。
有意捐款予刘天浩的热心人士,可以将善款汇入银行户口:CCEP FOUNDATION,RHB 26219300009342,捐款可注明Alyster Liew Tian Hao。询问电话010-2798849,或游览网页www.ccep.org.my。
9岁男童不幸患克隆恩氏肠炎 2年疗程需5.6万家长一筹莫展
她指出,为了控制耀俊的病情,耀俊在过去6个月已经陆续打了10支英夫利西单抗(Inflixmab)针,目前情况虽有稍微好转,但是只要离开医院很容易又会被感染, 导致发烧等症状一再重复。
“耀俊很喜欢上学,医院有附属的学校,只要情况允许他都一定会去上课的,他很喜欢学习,他也很期待自己可以出院回家,像以前那样回到学校上课回到家里, 耀俊的姐姐也很想念弟弟。”
“为了帮助他排出排泄物,医生给他开了一个人造口,每天需要使用2至4个造口袋,单是这笔费用每月就要400至500令吉不等了,这还不包括打针、 润滑剂、药膏等的费用。”
“其实这期间耀俊的病情反复发烧、泻肚子、嘴巴溃烂、大血便等,严重的话还可能要切除溃烂的大肠部分,这对各任何人而言都是苦不堪言的,何况是一个孩子 。”
捐款详情请Whatsapp至 010-279 8849或游览网页www.ccep.org.my。
4岁邱毅恒筹足12万令吉动手术 换肝手术预计8月下旬进行
3岁男童须动肝脏移植手术保命 父母筹不出12万手术费
来自沙巴的3岁男婴邱毅恒63天大曾进行葛西式手术(Kasai operation),术后健康情况良好,但今年初其父母发现毅恒肚子越来越胀,脸色渐黄且手心发黑,经多次求医于3个月前被通知,孩子的肝脏情况严重必须进行肝脏移植手术保命。
邱毅恒父母委托CCEP扶贫基金会全权募款,希望热心人士可以帮助毅恒尽快筹到手术费,捐款请注明:HIEW YI HENG,询问电话010-2798849
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
LEUKAEMIA patient Soo Ayi Wen is appealing to compassionate contributors for financial assistance to pay for a bone marrow transplant.
The 26-year-old was diagnosed with B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in February.
ALL is a fast-growing cancer that starts in the lymphoid cells and since her diagnosis, Ayi Wen has endured four cycles of intensive chemotherapy at Hospital Ampang, Selangor.
Doctors say her condition is stable but as chemotherapy offers only temporary remission, they have recommended an allogeneic stem cell transplant to eliminate the leukaemia entirely.
An allogeneic stem cell transplant uses healthy blood stem cells from a donor to replace bone marrow that is not producing enough healthy blood cells.
Ayi Wen’s family has sought assistance from CCEP Foundation, a charity organisation, to raise the RM150,000 needed to pay for the medical procedure.
During a press conference at incumbent Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah’s service centre, CCEP Foundation group chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon said the funds would be used for the extraction, processing and transport of the bone marrow.
“This will also include bone marrow matching through human leukocyte antigens (HLA) typing as well as getting the bone marrow from a donor,” she said.
She elaborated that Ayi Wen and her only sibling, her sister Ayi Yee, 31, were not a match.
“A donor from Thailand, who is a 99.9% match to Ayi Wen’s HLA type has been found.
“The search was aided by a Singaporean NGO’s bone marrow donor programme that manages a registry for donors,” said Yee.
“It is not easy as only one match can be found out of every 40,000,” she added.
HLA matching is used to match patients and donors for blood or bone marrow transplants.
If two people share the same HLA type, they are considered a match.
According to Yee, the doctors said that in view of her age, Ayi Wen would have a good chance of recovery upon a successful transplant procedure.
“Repeated marrow tests are showing good remission after chemotherapy.
“However, her type of cancer is aggressive and chemotherapy can only achieve temporary suppression.
“A bone marrow transplant is her only chance for complete recovery,” Yee added.
Ayi Wen’s mother, Yap Kum Leng, 53, a housewife, said her greatest wish is to see her child healthy again.
“I felt her pain every time she went for chemotherapy as she suffered side effects such as nausea as well as mouth and throat ulcers.
“As her immune system was at its most vulnerable then, she would be in isolation and we could only comfort her through video calls.
“Even when we brought her meals, we could only hand it through a nurse over the counter,” said Yap.
Ayi Wen’s father, Soo Chee Wah, 56, hopes that the public can help as he is unable to afford the transplant with his monthly salary of RM4,000 working as a construction supervisor.
Ayi Wen works in the partner care department of an online food and grocery delivery platform.
All donations can be directed to CCEP Foundation, RHB26219300009342. For inquiries, please contact 03-7955 9999 and their website address is ccep.org.my.
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
失去听力还要照顾年迈双亲 诗巫华裔女需各界援助植耳蜗
欲捐款的善心人士,可直接汇款致以下CCEP FOUNDATION,RHB银行户口号码为 26219300009342,捐款单据可发送至https://wa.link/tzmmgy 。有关询问可联络03-7955 9999,其网站地址为ccep.org.my。
(Monday,12 Jun 2023)
Lost Hearing and Caring for Elderly Parents: Sibu Chinese Woman Seeks Assistance for Cochlear Implant
A single woman Chung Hsiao Yen from Sibu has completely lost her hearing and needs to take care of her elderly parents. She is in desperate need of a cochlear implant surgery. The CCEP Foundation appeals to kind-hearted individuals from all sectors to extend a helping hand and assist Chung in overcoming this challenging situation.
Due to Chung’s hearing condition, hearing aids are no longer effective in assisting her hearing. The only solution is to undergo a cochlear implant surgery. However, her impoverished financial situation makes it impossible for her to afford the expensive cost of a cochlear implant.
After receiving the request for assistance last week, the CCEP Foundation immediately conducted an investigation into the situation of the Chung family. Today, Ms Yvonne, the CEO of the foundation, arrived in Sibu and visited the Chung residence to conduct a fundraising activity for the family.
Ms. Chung Hsiao Yen, aged 51, is unemployed. She experienced a decline in her hearing at a young age and has been wearing hearing aids since then.
However, in December of last year, she discovered that even with the assistance of hearing aids, she could no longer hear external sounds. After a medical examination, it was determined that she had completely lost her hearing. The only way to assist her in hearing sounds, as assessed by doctors, is through cochlear implant surgery.
In addition to the surgical costs, the price of a cochlear implant alone is extremely high, amounting to at least 72,000 Malaysian Ringgit. This exorbitant price far exceeds the financial capacity of the Chung family. However, Ms. Chung needs to take care of her disabled mother and elderly father, and the inability to hear sounds would greatly impact her ability to do so.
Not long ago, her elderly father had a fall in the living room during the night. Due to her complete hearing loss, Ms. Chung couldn’t hear her father’s fall or his cries for help until the next morning when she discovered him injured and lying on the living room floor.
Afterward, her father was rushed to the hospital and received several stitches on his head. Fortunately, the accident was not too severe.
A cochlear implant is a medical device used to assist individuals with severe hearing loss or deafness in restoring their auditory function. It is an electronic device that directly stimulates the auditory nerve to transmit sound signals to the patient’s brain, providing auditory perception.
For Ms Chung, who needs to take care of their elderly parents, restoring auditory function is highly urgent. However, due to their inability to afford the expensive medical device, they sought assistance from the CCEP Foundation, hoping for good news.
The mission of the CCEP Foundation is to provide food supplies to impoverished families and assist underprivileged patients in applying for medical aid. They distribute monthly food rations to impoverished families, especially single-parent households.
The foundation seeks medical advice and assists in the application for surgical and medical expenses for patients in need. They also provide necessary aids to critically ill patients and assist the elderly in applying for welfare assistance. They provide consultation services for individuals in need or for deceased individuals applying for social insurance.
Ms Yvonne Yee, the CEO of foundation, stated that the foundation would raise funds for Ms. Chung to acquire the cochlear implant medical device. Therefore, he appealed to kind-hearted individuals from all walks of life to generously contribute and lend a helping hand to Ms. Chung.
All donations can be directed to CCEP Foundation, RHB26219300009342. For inquiries, please contact 03-7955 9999 and their website address is ccep.org.my.
( Saturday, 03 Jun 2023 )
Mum with leukaemia needs RM90,000 for urgent bone marrow transplant
A MOTHER from Labuan urgently needs RM90,000 for a bone marrow transplant to save her life.
Only seven months after chemotherapy for leukaemia, Ainun Muin’s cancer has relapsed.
She was diagnosed with acute leukaemia in November 2021.
“The doctor told me that chemotherapy is no longer effective for me.
“Only a bone marrow transplant can save my life.
“At the moment, all I can do is wait for a bone marrow match,” said Ainun in a statement.
She said her husband, a contract worker, earns about RM5,000 a month.
“But after deducting living expenses, rent, and other costs, we don’t have much savings.
“Although our three children are adults, only our eldest son is working. He earns RM1,500 a month.
“We spent a considerable amount of money on my treatment last year.
“Our family is truly facing financial difficulties.”
CCEP Foundation group chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon said two suitable bone marrow donors had been identified.
“We want to raise RM90,000 to provide enough funds for the transplant.
“We must complete the transplant before Ainun’s physical condition deteriorates.
“Otherwise, even with a suitable bone marrow match, it will be too late to save her life,” said Yee.
Donors should indicate that their contribution is for Ainun Muin.
For details, call 03-7955 9999 / 010-279 8849.
2023年05月24日 (星期三) – 东方日报
血癌化疗后仅7个月又复发 好妈妈急筹9万移植骨髓
(Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 24th News)
A loving mother urgently needs RM 90,000 for a bone marrow transplant to save her life!
Only 7 months after chemotherapy for leukemia, the cancer has relapsed. A loving mother urgently needs RM 90,000 for a bone marrow transplant to save her life!
Ainun Bt Muin, a 55-year-old from Labuan, was diagnosed with acute leukaemia in November 2021 after frequent headaches and ischemia led her to seek medical consultation. She thought she could bid farewell to cancer after completing chemotherapy, but to her surprise, the cancer returned within 7 months.
“The doctor told me that I have acute leukaemia, and chemotherapy is no longer effective for me. Only a bone marrow transplant can save my life. Otherwise, my leukaemia cannot be cured.”
She expressed sadness, stating that she thought she had endured chemotherapy and believed it was over, but now, within a short span of 7 months, cancer has come back, dealing another blow to her already weakened body.
“At the moment, all I can do is wait for a bone marrow match. During this period, the doctors can’t do anything except provide me with medication to keep my blood count from dropping too low. If a suitable bone marrow transplant cannot be found, I will have no choice but to wait for death.”
She mentioned that for over 20 years of marriage, she dedicated most of her time to her children and family. Her husband, who planned to work in the cultural department in Labuan after retirement, had his retirement plans disrupted by this serious illness.
“My husband is just a contract worker. Although he earns RM 5,000 per month, after deducting living expenses, children’s education, rent, and other costs, we don’t have much savings. Although our three children are now adults, only our eldest son has a stable income of RM 1,500 per month, which is barely enough for his expenses. Moreover, we spent a considerable amount of money on my treatment last year. Our family is truly facing economic difficulties.”
She revealed that her heartfelt wish is to recover, continue taking care of her family, and have the opportunity to witness her children start their own families and careers. Therefore, she is holding onto this belief, hoping for a speedy recovery.
“Actually, I’m very afraid of leaving them behind. If possible, I also hope that we can have the chance to travel together as a family. So, bone marrow transplantation is my only hope now.”
Yee Poo Yoon, Group CEO of the CCEP Foundation, pointed out that the hospital has found two suitable bone marrow donors through the Bone Marrow Donor Program (BNDP) in Singapore. Now they need to perform a Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Typing on the first donated bone marrow to determine a suitable match.
“The HLA Typing requires an additional payment of SGD 950. To save time, the CCEP Foundation has already transferred the matching cost to the Bone Marrow Donor Program (BNDP) in Singapore.”
She explained that the estimated cost for Ainun’s bone marrow transplant is about RM 84,000, including the SGD 950 matching fee and exchange rate differences. The CCEP has decided to raise RM 90,000 to provide enough funds for the transplant.
“Once the HLA Typing is approved, the hospital will arrange for Ainun to come to Ampang Hospital for a series of detailed examinations, and then the bone marrow transplant can proceed. We must complete the transplant before her physical condition deteriorates; otherwise, even with a suitable bone marrow match, it will be too late to save her life.”
All donations can be directed to CCEP Foundation, RHB 26219300009342. For details, 03-7955 9999 /010-279 8849.
Please indicate the donation for AINUN BT MUIN
03-04-2023 (Monday) -The Star
Funds needed to settle boy’s cochlear implant bill
CCEP Foundation helped Luk Yi Ho raise RM25,000 of the RM75,000 cost of his cochlear implant.
NINE-year-old Ho Luk Yi, who underwent cochlear implant surgery in December last year, still needs RM50,000 to settle his medical bill.
The Kepong boy was diagnosed as hearing-impaired when he was just a toddler.
“He previously could not hear in his right ear while he had 25% hearing in his left ear,” said CCEP Foundation vice-chairman Lim Chin Chuan.
Luk Yi Ho after cochlear implant surgery.
Luk Yi underwent successful cochlear implant surgery on his right ear in 2017 and was able to start speaking and go to school.
However, the hearing on his left ear began to deteriorate soon after, despite the boy using hearing aids.
His father, Ho Seow Son, 52, worked as a tour bus driver and his income was severely affected during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Luk Yi’s mother, Chan Fam Ling, 48, became a full-time housewife to take care of Luk Yi.
Due to financial constraints, Seow Son approached the NGO for help to raise funds for a second operation at HUKM Specialist Centre.
Lim said despite only raising RM25,000, the hospital’s senior consultant otorhinolaryngologist decided to go ahead with the implant surgery to ensure that speech therapy for the boy was not delayed.
The cochlear implant device cost RM74,400 and was supplied by Labchem Sdn Bhd, which had supplied the device for the first surgery as well.
“A patient needs the cochlear implant device from the same company as the brands cannot differ,” said Prof Dr Goh Bee See.
Lim is proud to have helped make a difference in Luk Yi’s life.
“With Dr Goh’s medical support, we are allowed to pay later once we have enough funds,” said Lim.
CCEP Foundation needs RM50,000 for the cochlear implant device.
All donations can be directed to CCEP Foundation, RHB 26219300009342. For details, 03-7955 9999 /010-279 8849.
31/03/2023 (星期五) – 诗华日报
砂2岁男童获母捐赠肝脏 父亲掏空积蓄仍不够移植费
30/03/2023 (星期四) – 东方日报
2岁男童获母捐赠肝脏 父亲掏空积蓄支付高昂移植费仍欠数千
CCEP FOUNDATION – RHB 26219300009342
询问电话: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849
Family of Samarahan toddler who underwent liver transplant seeks help with medical fees
9-year-old Luke Yi Hoe has a hearing impairment. The hearing function of his left ear is degenerating slowly. Even being seated in the front row of his class he is not able to hear when the teacher is teaching and this has affected his learning. To help him with his condition, Doctors recommended a cochlear implant. Unfortunately, his family cannot afford the RM75,000 cost for the implant.
Yi Ho from Kepong was diagnosed to be hearing impaired from birth when he was 2 years 8 months old. According to the Doctors, his hearing condition is 0% in his right ear whilst he has 25% hearing ability in his left ear.
His father, Ho Seow Son (52 years old) works as a driver cum delivery man with a low income. Due to his financial constraint, he has approached an NGO for assistance to raise funds publicly. This enables Yi Ho to have an implant in his right ear and a hearing aid for his left ear. “
“As he grows with age, hearing in his left ear also degenerates even if he sits in the first row in the class, he is still not able to hear clearly and that affects his learning and results in school,” said his doctor. After knowing Yi Ho’s condition, his mother, Chan Fam Ling (48) took on the full-time housewife role to better care for Yi Ho and also to help him in his education.
His mother further explained that even with the transplant, Yi Ho’s hearing function in his right ear is 90%, and 25% in his left ear. Thus, most of the time he is not able to hear clearly. Though with limitations, he is able to express himself with simple words. “
” We are concerned that his condition will affect him emotionally and his well-being, we spent as much time as possible being with him and supporting him
The weakening of his hearing in his left ear has caused him to hear unwanted sounds causing him not able to hear clearly.
” The inability to clearly affects him in his daily living. That is why we hope Yi Ho can have the implant soon so that he will not lose out on his learning and educational process and also to avoid his withdrawal from social activities.
His mother shared that Yi Ho is an extrovert and well-loved by his friends but there are schoolmates who shy from him because of his condition generally most have showered him with love and care.
” His father and I hoped that Yi Ho can have the implant done as soon as possible. His father, who is a tourist bus driver is affected by the pandemic. His family of 5 barely survives on his RM5,000 monthly income. Yi Ho has 2 sisters who are still in school.
Ho Seow Son expressed that if he is able to pay the cost of RM75,000 for the implant in installments he will not make a public appeal as there are many patients out there who also need help.
” Unfortunately, the cochlear can only be purchased on cash term and we do not have the means.
He is very grateful that CCEP Foundation, after their assessment of the case, is willing to extend their assistance. This truly warms our hearts.
CCEP Foundation CEO, Ms. Yvonne Yee expressed that at this young age, Yi Ho’s journey in life is long, and its a pity that his future is hampered by his handicap in hearing.
” If his learning process is hampered he may not be able to continue his education in a normal school but will have to be moved to a school for the handicapped. In 2017 he already had an implant in his right ear and what he needs now is the implant for his left ear for him to lead a more normal life
Considering the father’s financial condition, CCEP Foundation will assist to help the much-needed RM75,000 for the implant operation which has been scheduled for next month which we hope to be able to achieve within this month.
03-01-2023 – The Star
Boy with aggressive cancer needs RM480,000
27/12/2022 (星期二)– 东方日报
8岁王铭轩患4期细胞瘤 急筹30万令吉买免疫药
27/12/2022 (星期二)
8岁王铭轩患4期细胞瘤 急筹30万令吉买免疫药
8岁来自雪州的王铭轩,早在3岁时被诊断出患有 4 期高危神经母细胞瘤,是一种发病迅速且危险的罕见癌症,一般上患上此病的孩子多数都只能送往安宁病房倒数生命。
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849
An 8 years old boy suffered from Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma
When teachers asked their students what are their wishes, most answered presents, and a fun day out to be smarter but 8-year-old Jarvis Ong Ming Xuan’s answer is no one in the family will die, and I don’t want any of them leaves me. Now the report shows that this is now possible! We are now racing with time to raise RM480k within 2 months to buy the much needs medication for Jarvis an opportunity to keep him alive.
8-year-old Jarvis Ong Ming Xuan from Selangor was diagnosed to be suffering from Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma when he was 3. Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma is a serious fast spreading rare type of cancer. Generally, children suffering from this type of cancer will only be given palliative care.
Jarvis’s mother 38-year-old housewife Karen Ong Kai Syne expressed that after a series of treatments his condition. His condition stabilized which gave him hope that Jarvis will lead a healthy life. Unfortunately, his medical check-up in October brought bad news.
“The marker report confirmed that Jarvis’s cancer has relapsed and has spread to his differentiated subtype of neuroblastoma
She further explained that children with differentiated subtypes of neuroblastoma this is a killer of children
Those who were being treated with neuroblastoma succumbed one by one. Jarvis is the only one who is still here to fight the disease. The report shows that there is no new growth of cancer cells which means that by removing the growth coupled with using the medication, there is a possibility of controlling a relapse and growth of cancer cells.
Doctors suggested removing the left jaw and jaw bone and reconstructing them followed by treatment using the chemotherapy method then applying the Qarziba method to control the growth.
When Jarvis was diagnosed, she gave up her job to take full care of him. The financial responsibility thus fell solely on the shoulders of her 38years old husband Ong Pang Han, who is a computer engineer. Taking off their financial commitment of housing loans, the family’s living expenses, insurance premiums,
Jarvis’s medical fees and his retired parents’ living expenses, there is not much left.
All the while Jarvis was receiving treatment at Tengku Azizah General Hospital. As it is a government-run public hospital the cost of treatment is manageable. The burden becomes heavy when we accepted the Doctors’ recommendation to join the US hospital’s medical research where we have to fly to the US to collect the medicine in person. That trip cost more than RM100k.
Now, the Ong family is faced with the challenge to raise RM480k in 2 months to buy the medicine.
With this race against time, the Ong family has no choice but to turn to social media to appeal for financial support which they managed to raise RM160k in a week.
She explains that the whole treatment procedure involves 6 treatments and the medication is very costly. “We are able to get a reduced price for the medicine because we participated in the research program.” All these years relatives and friends who knew our condition have generously supported us with their donations but over the long period funds depleted and financial support eventually comes to a standstill. We tried various channels but without much success.
When all efforts are fruitless, we couldn’t help feeling helpless.
It was a schoolmate who related our plight to the CCEP Foundation who straightaway processed their investigation and assessment and finally with the approval of their medical advisory board, agreed to help to raise the funds which bring relief to the family.
Jarvis is a mature and well-behaved child who has been doing well in school with the least supervision. On his own initiative, he registered to participate in various contests and activities and has also brought back many trophies regardless of educational or extra mural activities.
At his age, he did not understand much about death. He was curious and asked a lot of questions when he saw his fellow patients passing. I told him they have become angels. From the age of 3, he never worries us when taking medicines and injections. Even when he has to go into the operations theatre for his procedures he goes in on his own and would even communicate with the esthetician to understand the procedure. He was just 8 years old!
The CEO of the CCEP Foundation, Ms. Yvonne Yee said neuroblastoma is ferocious as it creates new cells speedily. Generally, children diagnosed with this will just have to wait for their fate but in Jarvis’s case it opens up a ray of hope.
Jarvis was already being transferred to palliative care but a recent medical report shows the cancer cells have stopped growing and also his medical team has found a treatment. After rounds of discussions with the medical team and CCEP, the team felt positive about his condition and felt Jarvis should be given the opportunity to receive the treatment and hope that with the combined effort we can give Jarvis the chance at life.
She explains that because the medicine is to be purchased outside our country the cost of medicine has to take into consideration the exchange rate and cost of money transfers, the cost is locked at RM480k. As the family has earlier raised RM160k through social media CCEP is committed to raising RM300k.
RM300k is not a small amount and coupled with the time constraint, it is a challenge. We appeal to your support to give Jarvis a chance.
All donations can donate directly to :
RHB 26219300009342
Inquiry: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849
02/12/2022 (星期五) – 诗华日报
02/12/2022 (星期五) – 东方日报
短短2天筹足22万 古晋男婴黄凯泽料明年初手术
Medical fundings collected enough for Cyrus Bong
(Kuching, 02) The RM220,000 liver transplantation fee and medical expenses of Cyrus Bong Khai Tze, a 6-month-old baby boy with biliary atresia in Sarawak, have been fully raised in just 2 days!
Ms. Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of CCEP Foundation, said that the foundation intends to raise RM60,000 first to solve the current medical expenses of Little Cyrus. After Cyrus’ weight reaches the standard that’s sufficient for operation, then only commence the second round of fundraising. Unexpectedly, the response was overwhelming. The amount of donations was raised in just 2 days. RM220,000, even Little Cyrus’s foreign surgical expenses were also sorted.
She also itemized the uses of RM220,000, including RM160,000 for foreign liver transplantation operation, RM15,000 for 3 months of medical expenses and special milk powder, RM20,000 for a follow-up visit in one year after transplantation, and RM25,000 for medical expenses that may occur after the operation.
She emphasized that if there are no other complications after the operation of Little Kaiser, its postoperative reserves will be transferred to the next case that was raised to CCEP Foundation.
“This is also the highest amount raised by the CCEP Foundation since its establishment. Thank you for your trust in CCEP Foundation, especially friends in East Malaysia who responded very quickly after seeing the news.”
She explained that CCEP Foundation is a legal foundation certified by a department of the Prime Minister’s Department, and is jointly supervised by a number of doctors, lawyers, accountants, and famous entrepreneurs as consultants. Each case of the foundation must go through home visits, hospital certification, and doctor recommendations before it can be filed, and every expenditure must be declared, in CCEP Foundation is a credible charitable foundation.
“This money are all hard-earned money from people in the society. Anyone who needs further clarification on the entity and the uses of funds, they can inquire with the relevant government units.”
Little Cyrus’ father Bong Tong Fook (33 years old, salesman) said that the couple had not returned home for more than a month in order to take care of Little Kaize, and the eldest daughter had not seen her parents and younger brother for more than a month. The feeling of missing is always suffering.
“Fortunately, with the efforts of the medical staff, Little Cyrus’ weight has increased from 5.6 kg to 6.2 kg. He has begun to play with us, giving us greater hope.”
Now that the CCEP Foundation has brought him the news that the surgical expenses and medical expenses have been fully raised, the couple is very moved.
“Here I hope to represent my children and thank every kind-hearted person. It is you who have given Little Kaiser a chance to be reborn. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Ng for handing over our case to the CCEP Foundation after understanding our financial situation. Otherwise, we will not know when we will have the money to have the operation for Little Cyrus”
He revealed that although Little Cyrus’ face looks more and more rounded, the doctor still hopes that he can reach a weight of 9 kg before undergoing the operation, which will also have a higher success rate.
“At present, we can’t do anything, because he is too small and underweight, so the doctor can’t perform a CT test until he is 9 kilograms, and then arrange a final medical plan for him.”
He disclosed that if Little Cyrus’ weight is successfully up to standard, the doctor expects the operation to be performed in January or February next year.
01/12/2022 (星期四) – 东方日报
6月大男婴患胆道闭锁 双亲为12万令吉手术费愁
30/11/2022 (星期三) – 诗华日报
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
30/11/2022 (Wednesday)
6-month-old baby boy urgently needs a liver transplant
(Kuching 01 news) Cyrus Bong Khai Tze, a 6-month-old baby boy from Kuching Sarawak, suffers from biliary atresia. At present, only 50% to 60% of liver capacity is functioning. The doctor recommends liver transplant surgery as soon as possible to ensure the healthy growth of the baby; However, this disease does not meet the requirements for insurance claims, so the baby needs RM120,000 for his liver transplant surgery fees and RM60,000 for preoperative medical expenses at UMMC.
Ms. Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of CCEP Foundation, said that Cyrus situation is serious and does not rule out the need to be sent overseas for a liver transplant and medical treatment.
“CCEP Foundation will raise RM60,000 for his preoperative medical expenses, which including the special milk powder, medical supplies, medical expenses, and other expenses.”
She revealed that the doctor has informed that blood washing, kidney dialysis, and long-term anti-rejection drugs may be required after the operation, and huge expenses may be required after the transplant.
“We will raise funds separately for the postoperative part after the operation. If there is such a need. At present, we hope that everything will go well for the baby.”
She revealed that in order to reduce the burden on Bong’s family, our CCEP House will provide accommodation for the couple during the treatment period, allowing them to take turns taking care of the baby.
Bong Tong Fook (33 years old, salesman), the father of the baby, said that due to inflammation of the liver, the milk that Kaiser drank could not be digested, and he often vomited, which led to being underweight, so he had to gain another 2 to 3 kilograms before the operation.
“At present, his weight is only 6 kilograms, which is not up to standard for a 6-month-old child, ideally, he can increase to 8 or 9 kilograms as soon as possible, but the cost of special milk powder alone is RM90 per day, which does not include other expenses.”
He pointed out that at present, doctors are not sure whether the operation can be completed at the University of Malaysia Hospital (UMMC). He is currently the tentative donor, but everything will have to be determined after the detailed report is released. If the situation is too complicated, it must be sent oversea for a liver transplant. At that time, it is estimated that the cost of the operation will be as high as RM200,000 or more if Cyrus liver transplant surgery is done it oversea, which does not include other expenses.
“At present, we haven’t overthought. Everything is aimed at the surgery in front of us, so gaining weight for Cyrus is our primary target.”
He revealed that the hospital currently provides automatic infusion machines, which can still deliver milk to his stomach even when Cyrus is sleeping, otherwise his parents will have to feed him every 3 hours, which will have a certain negative impact on his sleep quality.
He revealed that initially, he and his wife Jianny Liew (32 years old) were both dual-wage families and had a 3-year-old daughter. Cyrus was their second child. As a result, the child was diagnosed with biliary atresia disease soon after birth. In order to take good care of Cyrus, his wife had to resign. Now all the family expenses shared by the two of them fall on him.
“My monthly income is about RM3,000 to RM4,000, plus my wife’s share of our living expenses is still enough to cope with, but in the past few months, my wife has quit her job. Every month, the insurance premium for the two children alone is RM980, the mortgage loan is RM1,600, and the car loan is RM424. This does not include the education expenses of the 3-year-old daughter, the medical expenses of the younger son, and the family’s living expenses.”
He pointed out that in the past six months, he has been unable to make ends meet, using his previous savings, but now facing high surgical expenses, special milk powder expenses, and postoperative medical expenses, he and his wife can no longer afford it.
“Fortunately, we met a good doctor who knew about our situation and introduced us to the CCEP Foundation. After their investigation, they decided to assist us in raising funds.”
Now in order to take care of their youngest son, Bong Tong Fook and his wife are forced to leave their 3-year-old daughter alone at the home of his parents-in-law in Sarawak. He also feels deeply guilty for his eldest daughter.
“She is only three years old and has limited comprehension. I can only tell him that his younger brother has water in his stomach and needs surgery. The doctor will operate on his father to save his younger brother.”
He said that doctors currently estimate that the success rate of the operation is 75%, and everything will have to wait for the baby to gain weight before a liver transplant can take place. before a detailed examination can be determined, otherwise Cyrus condition is likely to continue to deteriorate.
He choked and said, as a father, he just hopes that his children can grow up as healthy as ordinary children. For this reason, he also purchased medical insurance for his children early, but he didn’t expect that this condition was not covered by the insurance, and he was also deeply helpless about it.
Donations can be made directly to the following banks:
RHB 26219300009342
Inquiry phone: 03-7955 9999
28/09/2022 (Wednesday)
The heart surgery fee has been collected enough
陈丽玲的心脏手术费已经收够了。 李玲很感动也很开心。 她非常感谢所有帮助过她的捐助者。 她很惊讶在这么短的时间内为她的手术筹集了足够的资金。
Chan Li Ling’s heart surgery fee has been collected enough. Li Ling is very touched and happy. She is very grateful to all the donors who helped her. And she was surprised that enough funds were raised for her surgery in such a short period of time.
26/09/2022 (Monday) – The Star
Analyst needs funds for heart surgery
The first and second from the left are Chen Li Ling’s parents, and the third is Chen Li Ling. The first from the right is Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of the CCEP Foundation.
AN ATHLETIC young woman who suffered a minor stroke last month and was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease needs RM35,000 for surgery immediately.
Analyst Chan Li Ling, 29, from Bentong, Pahang, has always been a sports lover and exercises at least three days a week.
However, on Aug 25, she suddenly felt dizzy and vomited repeatedly. The next day, she had difficulty moving half her body, and she only then realised that she had suffered a stroke.
“I was at work and had to call my parents to pick me up. At first I thought I was just having a little unbalanced ear fluid and so I took one day off.
“The next day, I found that I couldn’t control one half of my body. On admission, it was found to be a cerebellar stroke,” she said.
Li Ling said all the indicators of her physical examination were normal, and there was no diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Because of her age, doctors suspected that other factors had caused the stroke.
“Later, I was diagnosed with Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) — a small flap or opening between the upper right and left chambers (atria) of the heart — that causes blood to flow from the right atrium to the left atrium and then to the brain, causing strokes,” she said, adding that patients with PFO could experience a stroke at any time if they do not receive a PFO closure procedure.
Doctors at the National Heart Institute (IJN) said she was lucky because the stroke was in the cerebellum and it was curable, said Li Ling.
After physical therapy, she gradually regained mobility but still needs surgery soon, failing which she could have another stroke that could lead to paralysis.
Li Ling has medical insurance, but since she was diagnosed with a congenital disease the insurance company has rejected her eligibility to claim for these medical expenses.
“I have only been working for a few years, earning RM4,000 per month.
“After paying all the bills I don’t have much left every month. My parents have retired,” she said.
CCEP Foundation chief executive officer Yee Poo Yoon said although government hospitals could perform similar minimally invasive procedures, from a physical point of view, Li Ling’s condition was not life-threatening, so it was common practice in government hospitals to put her on a waiting list.
“She already had a stroke and the risk of a second stroke is high and can happen at any time.
“We had a patient in a similar situation, but he couldn’t get the surgery on time and was paralysed for life,” said Yee.
She said Li Ling was a very sensible and caring daughter.
“Her parents are old and have no source of income. She is the breadwinner of the family,” said Yee.
Those who wish to help Li Ling can call 03-7955 9999 or visit ccep.org.my
16-09-2022 (星期五) 诗华日报
华裔女患先天性疾病保险不赔 急需3.5万令吉进行手术
16-09-2022 (星期五) 东方日报
15-09-2022 (星期四)
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
An athletic young woman suffered from a congenital heart disease
(Petaling Jaya, 14th) An athletic young woman suffered a minor stroke last month and was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease called Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). RM35,000 is urgently needed for a procedure called Patent Foramen Ovale Closure, otherwise, a stroke could happen like a ticking time bomb at any moment.
Chan Li Ling (29 years old, analyst) from Bentong, Pahang has always been a sports lover and physical exercises at least 3 days a week. She has been very healthy since childhood; However, on August 25, she suddenly felt dizzy and vomited all the time. The next day, she found that half of her body was out of coordination, and she only realized that she had suffered a cerebellum stroke.
“I was at work and I was throwing up and dizzy and had to call my parents to pick me up and at first I thought I was just having a little unbalanced ear fluid and then so I took one day off. The next day, I found that I couldn’t control the other half of my body. On admission, it was found to be a cerebellar stroke. “
She said that all the indicators of her physical examination were normal, and there was no diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Because of her young age, doctors suspected that other factors caused the stroke.
“Later, I was diagnosed with patent foramen ovale (PFO), which is because of ‘heart suture disease’, which causes blood containing stasis to flow from the right atrium to the left atrium and then to the brain, causing stroke. “
She revealed that doctors said she was lucky because the stroke was in the cerebellum, so it could still be cured. Now after physical therapy, half of her body has gradually regained mobility, but she needs surgery as soon as possible, otherwise, she may have another stroke.
The doctor analyzed her condition, and once the stroke, it may lead to paralysis, so early surgery can avoid her misfortune.
“The doctor said that patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a very common problem, but if there is a situation like Li Ling, it must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a catastrophe.”
She said that she has medical insurance, but based on this situation, she was identified as having a congenital disease, and the insurance company refused to pay for her medical expenses.
“I have only started working for a few years, earning RM 4000 per month, after paying all the bills such as car loan, rent, parents living expenses, and my own, I don’t have much leave every month. My parents have retired, and my sister has her own burdens. “++
Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of the CCEP Foundation, said that although government hospitals can perform similar minimally invasive procedures, from a physical point of view, Li Ling’s condition is not life-threatening, so it is common practice in government hospitals to put her on a waiting list.
“Because Li Ling has already had a stroke, the risk of a second stroke is high and could happen at any time. We had a patient in a similar situation to Li Ling, but he couldn’t get the surgery on time and had been paralyzed for life. “
She said that Li Ling is a very sensible and caring child. Her parents are old and have no source of income. And she is the breadwinner of the family. “If such a misfortune happened to Li Ling, it would be a loss to the family.
She pointed out that Li Ling’s current condition is considered very dangerous and she needs surgery as soon as possible.
The donation to the following banks:-
RHB 26219300009342
For inquiry: 03-7955 9999
Please send the bank-in receipt to: https://wa.link/tzmmgy
Website: ccep.org.my
29-08-2022 (星期一) 诗华日报
29-08-2022 (星期一) 星洲日报 – 砂拉越
29-08-2022 (星期一)
RHB 26219300009342
网站: ccep.org.my
捐款的部份注明: Christobal
3 years old boy needs RM45,000 for the cochlear implant urgently
(Petaling Jaya 29th News) The husband died of covid, 3 years old boy was diagnosed with congenital hearing impairment, and the single mother needs RM 45,000 for the cochlear fee.
Come from SIBU which name Roselind (38 years old, housewife) is an ordinary housewife, she has a husband which very loves her and has 13, 10, 3 years old sons, very sad that she husband pass away of covid last years, this causes them loses their breadwinner and emotional support.
The youngest son Christobal was diagnosed with congenital hearing impairment, hence, cochlear implantation must be done as soon as possible, otherwise, he will be unable to speak in his lifetime.
“In fact, when Christobal was one month old, I find my son no sense of sound, so we arrange a reserve auditory examination with dr as well, pity sad it is delayed due to covid pandemic. “, Roselind says.
She points out that her husband is very sad about Christobal, and pitifully sad that didn’t have a chance to accompany Christobal to do the auditory examination again.
“ We have RM2,449 from the social insurance as subsistence, but we are unable to pay the cochlear implantation fee for Christobal after my husband passes away, I feel very sorry for my son……”
She point out that the doctor understand our situation, then, the doctor referred my son to CCEP FOUNDATION and a cochlear implant company – Medei, this opened a chink of hope for them.
“Doctor says Christobal will restore hearing after cochlear implantation, so he can learn the language, otherwise he will not able to speak anymore because of hearing impaired, but this pair of cochlear implants worth RM85,000.”
After tripartite negotiation, cochlear implant company – Medei will sponsor a cochlear, the other cochlear worth RM45,000 will be in charge by CCEP FOUNDATION fundraising, so that will shorten the time of fundraising and 1/9/2022 undergoes cochlear implantation.
Cochlear implant company – hearLife’s Managing Director, Mr. Woo express that as a cochlear implant company I very clear that cochlear implant is expensive.
“Although is a business, we run a business at the same time, we cannot let patients miss out on hearing recovery for money and profit. Hence, we have helped many patients ask for government and society for a sponsor.”
Mr woo points out that he witnesses much patient hearing recovery, and he feels joyful and touchable in this industry for 13 years. So he put in the effort to balance between profit and patient benefit.
“ In this case of Christobal, we know that can’t afford the cochlear implantation fee, we also cannot let patients miss out on hearing recovery for money and profit.”
A pair of cochlear implants worth RM85,000, this is not a small figure, fundraising is also estimated to take time, Christobal situation is very urgent, hence, our company decides to sponsor a worth RM 40,000 cochlear, so this will shorten the time of fundraising.
“ We hope society will understand, although many unfortunate people, there are many social enthusiasts, this society is full of love.”
CEO CCEP FOUNDATION Madam Yee points out, that luckily we get a cochlear sponsor, CCEP FOUNDATION needs a fundraising RM45,000 cochlear implant fee, and Christobal will undergo an operation on 1/9/2022.
“Not much time now, so our fundraising was very urgent.”
The doctor says that the golden age of language learning is at 1 year old, but Christobal is 3 years old already, missing out on learning language and chance due to hearing impairment.
Moreover, she expresses that the most challenging for poor families are they unable to afford the cochlear implant fee.
“Christobal’s situation was very pity, his father died of the covid pandemic, his mother as a single mother needs to raise up 3 children, three meals are good enough is no easy.”
After CCEP FOUNDATION accept the referral by the doctor, CCEP FOUNDATION started fundraising immediately, charity regardless of race and religion, this is the purpose of CCEP FOUNDATION.
RHB 26219300009342
receipt send to this link:https://wa.link/tzmmgy
website: ccep.org.my
referral: Christobal
20-08-2022 (星期六) 东方日报
20-08-2022 (星期六) 诗华日报
18-08-2022 (星期四) 星洲日报 – 砂拉越
18-08-2022 (星期四)诗华日报
18-08-2022 (星期四)东方日报
17-08-2022 (星期三)
心脏病准妈妈用生命换生命, 急需四万接宝宝来这个世界!
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
A pregnant Iban mother in desperate need of childbirth surgery
(Petaling Jaya, 17 October) Less than 24 hours before the operation, the mother-to-be with congenital heart disease and her soon-to-be-born Sino-Iranian mixed-race baby is still in the hospital waiting for the RM40,000 operation fee to save their lives.
A pregnant mother-to-be from Miri Iban, Sharon Agot Anak Jemat (35 years old, housewife) has a congenital heart defect and had a heart valve replacement operation 10 years ago, after which she is in good health.
After getting married three years ago, she finally welcomed her first child with her husband Liao Wei Hong (39, a photocopier repairer) at the end of last year, but during the pregnancy, it was discovered that her heart valves had started to narrow and she had to have an early cesarean section on doctor’s advice to ensure a safe mother and child.
Her husband, Liao Wei Hong, pointed out that his wife had consulted a doctor before she became pregnant and was told that although she was in a high-risk group, she could still get pregnant and have a baby as long as she had intensive maternity check-ups and heart tests.
“We also followed the doctor’s advice to transfer my wife from Miri Hospital to a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur for check-ups, but due to the high cost of private hospital check-ups, we were referred by the doctor to Kuala Lumpur Hospital and also followed up on our wife’s heart condition at the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).”
He pointed out that due to his wife’s congenital heart disease, the obstetrician and gynecologist at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital were concerned that his wife’s heart would not be able to cope during labor and therefore recommended that the baby be delivered early at 38 weeks to ensure the mother’s condition was under control.
“The operation will be performed at the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN), gynaecologist from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital will also join with the operation, after the operation there will send my wife to ICU.”
He said that the hospital only last week they told him that the operation would cost RM40,000, which he could not afford.
” my monthly salary of RM4,000, after deducting the rent of RM1,700, monthly insurance of RM800 and living expenses, previous medical expenses, and the impending birth of our child, we have both long dug into our savings.”
He reluctantly said that now that the operation was imminent he was unable to afford the cost, so he had to raise money externally.
“All I can do now is pray that both mother and child are healthy and safe, after all, we both only welcomed our first child at this age and I never thought that my wife would have to risk her life so much, I don’t want the child to be born without a mother and I will lose a good wife from now on.”
Chief Executive Officer of CCEP Foundation, Ms. Yee Poo Yoon said that due to the urgency of the case, the CCEP Foundation had to temporarily guarantee the patient with a letter of guarantee to allow the patient to undergo surgery first; in the meantime, they will work with HOC Heart of Charity to raise funds simultaneously.
“I am grateful to the hospital for their understanding and making an exception to allow the operation to proceed before payment, after all, this case is different from past cases and the matter of delivering the baby really cannot wait.”
She points out that although the surgery reduces the risk of her having a natural birth, the pregnant woman still faces the possibility of her heart-stopping during the operation, so even having the surgery is not 100 percent safe.
“Women giving birth is a life-for-life game and with 2 precious lives at stake, I hope people can be generous and help the family through this difficult time.”
Donations can be made directly to the following banks.
RHB 26219300009342
Inquiries: 03-7955 9999
To request an Official Receipt please WhatsApp to : https://wa.link/9e6uw7
28/07/2022 (星期四)
款项已筹足,停止代收捐款 ! 小峻宇可以出院回家啦!
17/07/2022 (星期日)
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
17/07/2022 (星期日)中国报
18/07/2022 (星期一)东方日报
4-year-old boy needs a cochlear implant urgently
Born with hearing impairment a 4-year-old boy is urgently in need of Rm96K to undergo a cochlear implant to give him the opportunity of being able to speak.
Roy Lee Jun Yu from Johor Baru is 4 years old and has had hearing impairment from birth, He was diagnosed to be hearing impaired when he was about 1-year old which he, unfortunately, inherited from his mother who is a hearing impaired.
His father Mr. Lee Kang Long 34years old is a factory worker who shared that his son’s condition is more serious than his wife’s.
“In these 2 years, because of MCO, I was trapped in Singapore. It was also during this period my mother was diagnosed to be suffering from Colon cancer and kidney failure. When MCO was finally lifted there are multiple medical check-ups are needed to ascertain his condition. Because of all these factors, we missed the best opportunity for Roy Lee Jun Yu to have his cochlear transplant for the best results.
He said doctors advised him that a cochlear implant should be done as early as possible, best between 1 to 2 years old because this is the time when the brain’s function on hearing begins which eventually affects the speaking abilities.
The litter boy Roy is smart and active but because of his hearing disability, he was not able to pick up sounds which resulted in his disability to speak even though he is 4 years old. We only communicate through sign language and his facial expressions to guess his feelings. His constraints to express himself cause him to be withdrawn and refuse to communicate.
He expressed that Doctors have advised that with the cochlear implant Roy will be able to live a normal life as any other child but the implant should be done soonest so as not to lose the opportunity to learn to speak.
As a father, I did not give him normal hearing and it is my only hope to rectify the situation by getting him cochlear to give him the opportunity to lead a normal live.
Ms. Yvonne Yee, Chief Executive Officer of CCEP FOUNDATION reiterated that the cochlear implant procedure was initially scheduled to be done in HUKM, Roy needs to queue for his turn, and no one knows how long the wait will be. Doctors advised that Roy, who is now 4 years old, is racing for time so as not to miss the golden opportunity for him to speak and suggested that the procedure be done in HUKMSC.
She elaborated that the cost of the cochlear is RM83k and the cost for the procedure is RM13k totaling RM96k which is needed.
From our investigation, Mr Lee Kang Long is the sole breadwinner. The treatment over the last 2 years for his mother’s kidney problem has used up his savings leaving him having no choice but to appeal for a donation. We also take into consideration the cost incurred for his long-term post-operation medical follow-up costs which can come up to hundreds of Ringgit per follow-up.
Because of the urgency, Roy Lee Jun Yu is scheduled for 26 July 2022. Hopefully, we hope to be able to raise the required cochlear implant cost before the procedure date so that Roy can get the procedure done as scheduled.
Donations can be done via:
RHB 26219300009342
For inquiries please call: 03-7955 9999
kindly post your transaction slip to https://wa.link/tzmmgy
website: ccep.org.my
A pregnant Iban mother in desperate need of childbirth surgery
(Petaling Jaya, 17 October) Less than 24 hours before the operation, the mother-to-be with congenital heart disease and her soon-to-be-born Sino-Iranian mixed-race baby is still in the hospital waiting for the RM40,000 operation fee to save their lives.
A pregnant mother-to-be from Miri Iban, Sharon Agot Anak Jemat (35 years old, housewife) has a congenital heart defect and had a heart valve replacement operation 10 years ago, after which she is in good health.
After getting married three years ago, she finally welcomed her first child with her husband Liao Wei Hong (39, a photocopier repairer) at the end of last year, but during the pregnancy, it was discovered that her heart valves had started to narrow and she had to have an early cesarean section on doctor’s advice to ensure a safe mother and child.
Her husband, Liao Wei Hong, pointed out that his wife had consulted a doctor before she became pregnant and was told that although she was in a high-risk group, she could still get pregnant and have a baby as long as she had intensive maternity check-ups and heart tests.
“We also followed the doctor’s advice to transfer my wife from Miri Hospital to a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur for check-ups, but due to the high cost of private hospital check-ups, we were referred by the doctor to Kuala Lumpur Hospital and also followed up on our wife’s heart condition at the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).”
He pointed out that due to his wife’s congenital heart disease, the obstetrician and gynecologist at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital were concerned that his wife’s heart would not be able to cope during labor and therefore recommended that the baby be delivered early at 38 weeks to ensure the mother’s condition was under control.
“The operation will be performed at the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN), gynaecologist from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital will also join with the operation, after the operation there will send my wife to ICU.”
He said that the hospital only last week they told him that the operation would cost RM40,000, which he could not afford.
” my monthly salary of RM4,000, after deducting the rent of RM1,700, monthly insurance of RM800 and living expenses, previous medical expenses, and the impending birth of our child, we have both long dug into our savings.”
He reluctantly said that now that the operation was imminent he was unable to afford the cost, so he had to raise money externally.
“All I can do now is pray that both mother and child are healthy and safe, after all, we both only welcomed our first child at this age and I never thought that my wife would have to risk her life so much, I don’t want the child to be born without a mother and I will lose a good wife from now on.”
Chief Executive Officer of CCEP Foundation, Ms. Yee Poo Yoon said that due to the urgency of the case, the CCEP Foundation had to temporarily guarantee the patient with a letter of guarantee to allow the patient to undergo surgery first; in the meantime, they will work with HOC Heart of Charity to raise funds simultaneously.
“I am grateful to the hospital for their understanding and making an exception to allow the operation to proceed before payment, after all, this case is different from past cases and the matter of delivering the baby really cannot wait.”
She points out that although the surgery reduces the risk of her having a natural birth, the pregnant woman still faces the possibility of her heart-stopping during the operation, so even having the surgery is not 100 percent safe.
“Women giving birth is a life-for-life game and with 2 precious lives at stake, I hope people can be generous and help the family through this difficult time.”
Donations can be made directly to the following banks.
RHB 26219300009342
Inquiries: 03-7955 9999
07/07/2022 (星期四)
07/07/2022 (星期四)
04/07/2022 (星期一)
姑姑大爱捐肝救小侄女 2岁女童急需15万换肝
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
网站: ccep.org.my
04/07/2022 (星期一)东方日报
04/07/2022 (星期一)中国报
04/07/2022 (星期一)星洲日报
Baby girl needs liver transplant soon
(Petaling Jaya, July 4th)
A 2-year-old girl has end-stage liver disease Alagille syndrome. The patient’s aunt who was working in Taiwan resigned and returned to Malaysia to donate a liver, but the only thing missing was the RM150,000 liver transplant surgery fee.
The father of baby girl Gene Ong, Mr. Ong Yi Shen (30 years old, editor) told that Gene had undergone the Kasai procedure only 47 days after birth, but the situation has not changed, and within a year Gene turned yellow again. After the examination that the baby had a rare genetic condition called Alagille Syndrome.
During a recently checking, the doctor found a suspected tumor in Gene’s liver and pancreas, after further checking, the pancreas was a 0.4 cm water tumor, so pancreatic surgery was not requested. Still, the liver needs a transplant to survive.
Even can’t sleep for a day
With the liver not functioning properly, the buildup of bile causes the baby to suffer from itching and even sleep peacefully.
“From 7 months to now, I have to help her scratch it every night, and I can barely sleep a little more comfortably, but now the itching is getting worse, and sometimes it is only after scraping.”
Mr. Ong told that due to the special physical condition of baby Gene, every time he had a fever or fell ill, he had to be hospitalized. Once, because the bruise, was just a small wound, and the flow continued for five hours, but it still couldn’t stop. We had brought her to the emergency unit.
He revealed that in the past two years, he and his wife have spent tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses for genes, and their savings have almost been used up. Sometimes, he needs to borrow money from his father.
Uncommon diseases can only fight back with every move
Actually, baby Gene’s disease may affect her cerebral blood vessels, but our country’s medical level has not been able to check, so we can only deal with her current situation.”
Mr. Ong said that because Gene is genetically unable to swallow, from birth to the present, liquid food has been her main food, and the lack of chewing exercise has indirectly affected her speech. Development and lack of vitamin D capture caused her calves to bend, and Gene had to be helped by standing only.
” The doctor was worried that the illness would affect her intelligence, but luckily, the doctor proved that she is a very cheerful person. Every time we see her happy, our greatest comfort.”
Gene’s aunt is the most suitable donor
After the family blood test, the livers of Gene’s grandmother and aunt were suitable for Gene, but Gene’s grandmother was too old, and considering safety, the doctor suggested Gene’s aunt as a donor.
“My sister works in Taiwan. After learning about Gene’s condition, she immediately went for a check-up. After confirming that the liver is suitable, she resigned and came back immediately.
For this, he is very grateful to his sister for her selfless contribution to her daughter, and also feels sorry for her sister to give up such a high salary and a good job to save her daughter’s life.
Hope to take family portraits every year
“In the past two years, the hospital was the place we went to the most. After transferring to UMMC, we had to go back to Johor and Kuala Lumpur almost every week. Because of taking too much leave, I was advised to leave. I have changed a few jobs. “
Recently, because of my wife’s job transfer, it is also convenient for Gene to seek medical treatment, so we moved to Cheras, hoping to reduce the number of leaves.
“Gene hasn’t been anywhere since she was born, so I really hope to take a family photo with her after she recovers from surgery to record her growth; of course, we also hope to take her to zoos, aquariums, accompany her to discover the world. “
For donations, transfers can be made to the following banks: –
RHB 26219300009342
Inquiry Telephone no. :03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
Bank-in slip please WhatsApp to:https://wa.link/tzmmgy
Website: ccep.org.my
19/06/2022 (星期日)
18/06/2022 (星期六)
武吉丁雅华小 – Rm 9653.00 29献爱心组织 – Rm 13000.00 善心献爱组织 – Rm 2000.00
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
07/06/2022 (星期二)
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
网站: ccep.org.my
05/06/2022 (星期六)
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
A young blind dialysis patient needs help
A young man with congenital diabetes, kidney disease, and blindness is struggling financially as his sister loses her job and his family loses their only source of income!
Cheong Kin Hung, a 39-year-old youth from Ipoh, was diagnosed with congenital diabetes in secondary school. As he got older, his diabetes worsened, causing him to become progressively blind in his eyes at age 35, and requiring long-term kidney dialysis.
To facilitate Kin Hung dialysis needs, his parents sold their house in Ipoh and shifted to Kuala Lumpur. Originally, the family of four relied only on little savings from their mother and sister, plus the subsidy from the church, and barely survived on a frugal diet. Unfortunately, the younger sister was unemployed and the church was unable to provide long-term subsidies. For a time, the family’s life was in trouble.
“Before I went blind, I was working in the kitchen of a snack shop, I couldn’t see because of my blindness, and I was on dialysis 3 times a week, so I couldn’t work properly,” said Kin Hung.
He said that he had asked the blind center to teach him massage techniques, but they refused because the dialysis patients were not physically strong enough to massage the blind.
“I recently found a teacher to teach me how to knit. I can knit some clothes, hats, and bags for sale at home. Unfortunately, the teacher is now in Singapore and must wait for him to come back before he can start teaching.”
Move to ease rent burden
He said that while his monthly dialysis costs were subsidized by Socso, there were still costs such as tape, and needles nneds to be paid. Also, he needs to take a Grab for dialysis when his dad can’t pick him up. These costs are around RM1,000 per month.
“Now the house we are renting, the landlord is going to take it back, so we are going to move to a cheaper house and share a room with someone else to save money.”
Previously, the church and social welfare gave a monthly subsidy of RM300, but the subsidy from the church is only temporary, so in the long run, he still hopes to learn the skills of self-reliance.
“If there is a job that suits me or an opportunity for me to learn skills. I will be willing to learn. After all, my parents are old.
CCEP Foundation will provide assistance
CCEP Foundation CEO Ms. Yee Poo Yoon said that in light of Cheong Kin Hung’s illness and his family’s lack of income, the foundation hopes to raise RM36,000 for Kin Hung and his family to cover expenses for two years.
“The CCEP foundation will provide him with RM2,500 a month in hopes of helping him and his family through this difficult time.”
For kind donations, please donate to:
Account: RHB 26219300009342
Enquiry:03-7955 9999 /010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
Transaction slip please WhatsApp: https://wa.link/tzmmgy
28/05/2022 (星期六)
“当时他打来基金会询问捐款详情时,通话的线路非常差,但他仍耐心的写下我们的转账户口号码,然后透过其亲人的协助将这笔捐款捐给乐敏,真的很有心的一个老人家。”, 社会上需要真的充满着爱。
Funds have been raised
We’ve raised enough money for Natalie’s medical fund
The 8-year-old Natalie Soo Lok Min case raised RM140,000 for a liver transplant! She suffered from decompensated liver disease with biliary atresia.
Natalie is a well-behaved girl from Menglembu, Ipoh in Perak. She has undergone several surgical procedures but her condition worsened after the last surgery in 2020. Due to her reduced liver function, her body and eyes have turned yellow. To prevent further complications, doctors recommended that she needs to undergo a liver transplant.
Natalie’s mother works two jobs as a food hawker full-time and a seafood seller on social media part-time, she only earns around RM3,000 per month. The mother of four cannot afford the transplant cost.
The CCEP Foundation, Star Foundation, and HOC Charity of Heart had launched fundraising. With the unremitting efforts of all parties, RM140,000 was raised within 5 days.
CCEP Foundation CEO Ms. Yee Poo Yoon revealed that one of the elderlies from Penang donated RM10,000. “When he called us, the line was poor, but he patiently wrote down the details, and with the help of relatives, he had donated money to help Natalie.” He is a very caring old man. And we believe that our society needs more genuine love.” Said Ms. Yee.
21/05/2022 (星期六)
(八打灵再也21日讯) “我和乐敏说,你的肚子有虫,虫子现在变大了,所以现在医生需要把妈妈部分的肝放进你的肚子,帮你一起消灭那个虫。乐敏听了很期待手术,因为她希望自己可以康复,只是以我目前的收入来说14万的手术费,真的无能为力。”
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话: 03-7955 9999 / 010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
网站: ccep.org.my
Little girl urgently needs liver transplant
(Petaling Jaya, 11th 2022) “I told Natalie that she had a worm in her stomach and the worm got bigger, so the doctor needs to put part of the mummy’s liver into her stomach to kill the worm. Natalie is looking forward to the surgery as she hopes to recover. But with my current income, the surgery fee of RM140k is impossible for me.” told Natalie’s mother.
Natalie Soo Lok Min is from Belembung, Ipoh (8 years old), she suffered from Bile Duct Obstruction after birth, in order to continue her life, she underwent cholangiostomy (KASAI operation) after 58 days of birth, However, due to the sequelae of the operation, her intestines were sticky recently, so surgery was performed again in 2020.
Her condition got worse after surgery in 2020
Natalie’s mother, Lim Jia Hui (33 years old, a hawker part-time live seafood anchor). Mdm Lim said that after the operation in 2020, Natalie’s physical condition became worse and more yellow. After being examined by a doctor 2 months ago, it was found that her liver function was reduced. So, doctors recommend a liver transplant as soon as possible.
“My liver is very suitable for transplanting to Natalie, and I’m ready at any time. As long as Natalie can grow healthy, I can give her a part of my liver, but it will cost RM140,000 for the operation. I really don’t have that ability. “
Since MCO, my noodle stall business isn’t as well as before, and my income is only half of before, although business increased after MCO opened, I also do live host selling fish on social media, and my monthly income was around RM3k. My children and I live in my parents’ home, and after deducting the living expenses and car loan for my 4 children, the rest of the money can’t afford Natalie’s surgery.”
She said that she and her husband were separated, and her husband was just an online e-hailing driver with an unstable income, so she had been bearing all the expenses of her children.
She is sensible and well-behaved
“Natalie has been a sensible and well-behaved child since she was a child. Although she always gets injections when she is sick, she does not need me to worry once. On the contrary, she will take care of me when I am sick. She is my angel sent by God.
Natalie didn’t know what a liver transplant was, so I just told her a story. She had worms in her stomach, so I needed to get my liver transplanted, help her kill the worms, and she’d recover. She was very happy to hear that she would recover, and we promised to kill the bugs together, but now the biggest problem is money. ” Said Mdm Lim
Mdm. Lim said that although she wants to transplant part of her liver to her daughter, she does not plan to rest for too long, because she has to raise 4 children, and she has to continue to work after the operation and will need to try not to be overworked.
Natalie needs long-term medication
After post- transplant, her monthly medical fees are around RM1500
For kind donations, please donate to:
Account: RHB 26219300009342
Enquiry:03-7955 9999 /010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
Transaction slip please WhatsApp: https://wa.link/tzmmgy
21/05/2022 (星期六)
(八打灵再也21日讯) 保险余额不足,1岁心脏有孔男婴尚欠5000令吉手术费;社会扶贫基金会决定伸出援手。
A baby boy needs heart surgery urgently
(Petaling Jaya, 21st) The 1-year-old baby with a hole in the heart (VSD – Ventricular septal defects) still owes RM5,000 for the surgery cost and the insurance is insufficient to pay for it. The CCEP Foundation decided to lend a helping hand.
Ms. Yee Poo Yoon, CEO of CCEP Foundation, said that Muhammad Harith Lutfi bin Sharun Hisham from Pahang is currently only 1 year and 1 month old. Six months after he was born, he was diagnosed with a perforated heart and currently requires RM45,000 for surgery.
When Muhammad Harith was a few months old, his mother found that the child had difficulty breathing and was very weak. Every time he came home, he would have a high fever. After several examinations, it was determined that he had a hole in the heart.
“Doctor form IJN (National Heart Institute of Malaysia) said that sometimes symptoms in too young children are hard to detect. and Muhammad Harith’s hole is also relatively large, so it is recommended to operate as soon as possible, otherwise, the child’s heart will be fast and slow, and the body will be weaker than ordinary children, fearing that the situation could deteriorate and endanger his life.”
She told that Muhammad Harith is the youngest in the family, with two sisters aged 8 and 6. His father works in an oil palm factory and earns RM1,500 a month. His mother supported the family by selling cooked food on the roadside. But in exceptional circumstances, she was forced to stop her work.
” Muhammad Harith’s father bought him a health insurance earlier, but the amount of insurance is insufficient; and Muhammad Harith was unfortunately hospitalized with diagnosed the Covid in March this year, and he has used the RM5,000 insurance claim. The current insurance balance is only RM40,000 left, so the remaining RM5,000 needs to be borne by themselves. “
Ms Yee said that after the investigation of the case, the CCEP foundation determined that her family was indeed unable to afford the cost of the surgery. In addition, currently Muhammad Harith was in critical condition, so the we decided to allocate RM5,000 to pay for it.
” Although there is no need to launch fundraising for Muhammad Harith’s case, every cent of the foundation’s funding comes from the public, so we must publicly of funds for the whereabouts of the funding. ” For more information and further inquiry, please do hesitate to contact Ms. Yee at 010-2798849
A young man who was diagnosed with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and did not undergo surgery due to family poverty; should have had the surgery sooner. His spine was curved 70 degrees and will be compressing his heart at any moment. His family hopes to raise RM40,000 for his corrective surgery in May.
Indian youth Lingeshwaren A/L Kannan from Bahau, Negeri Seremban, with complained of spinal deformity when he was 11 years old. His uncle and aunt took him to Seremban Hospital for a checkup and were diagnosed with scoliosis.
Afterward, Seremban Hospital recommended him to Hospital HUKM for further examination, and clinical examination revealed a thoracic hump. The radiograph showed severe thoracolumbar scoliosis. Doctors advised him to undergo corrective surgery.
In fact, the operation was originally scheduled for 2019, but due to financial difficulties, his parents had to postpone the operation, and then met the MCO, they postponed Lingeshwaran’s operation until now.
In an interview with CCEP Foundation, Lingeshwaran’s aunt said that Lingeshwaran is a lively boy who likes outdoor activities. His family has stopped his outdoor activities for safety because of his scoliosis issue. In addition, his physical condition is getting worse day by day, and he can only go to school alternately, so as not to be uncomfortable for a long time.
“Now, he can only sit for half an hour, even sleeping in one position, otherwise, the compression of the spine will make it difficult for him to breathe. In recent years, he has not been able to sleep well for a day. We noticed it, and distressed this child.”
He was obedient and sensible but was bullied at school
Lingeshwaren’s auntie expressed Lingeshwaren’s school results as quite good, he was obedient and sensible at home, his 19 years old sister got 7A and 3B in SPM, and 17 years old brother also top in results.
“Actually, Lingeshwaren’s grades are also good, but after the scoliosis problem, he can’t go to school every day, which also affects his learning progress. And we believe that if he recovers, he must be an all-around child.”
She revealed that because Lingeshwaren could not bear heavy loads, his parents let him use the child’s trolley bag, and he was laughed at by his classmates and had low self-esteem.
Poor family needs relatives’ help
Lingeshwaren’s father was a school security guard, and his monthly salary is RM1,650. His mother is a rubber tapper. The monthly salary is RM800 to RM1,000. After deducting the mortgage and family living expenses, the parents have no extra money to use for medical expenses.
“As for enabling Lingeshwaren’s siblings to continue their studies, his siblings live in my house and another relative’s house and also help to subsidize their studies because they are good and we also hope they can change their family’s future for the better.
The aunt revealed that she and her husband also helped to subsidize Lingeshwaren’s medical examination fee, but they couldn’t afford the RM40k surgery fee, so they had to turn to ask for help from the public.
“Originally, the doctor at Hospital HUKM arranged the Lingeshwaran operation on May 10, but we couldn’t afford the operation fee. Fortunately, a kind doctor recommended CCEP Foundation to us, so we decided to postpone the operation to May 24, so, we have more time to raise funds to solve our big problems. “
For kind donations, please donate to:
Account: RHB 26219300009342 Enquiry:010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
Transaction slip please WhatsApp: https://wa.link/tzmmgy
星洲日报 / 中国报 – 17/04/2022 (星期日)
12/04/2022 (星期二)
RHB 26219300009342
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
Maternal need RM20,000 for heart surgery
Because of congenital heart attack, maternity needs RM20,000 operation fees, to avoid heart enlarging further worst.
Yap Pui Kuan is from Bentong (34 years old, housewife) and gave birth to a baby boy 2 months ago. Although the family is very happy, the health of Ms. Yap has cast a dark cloud over this happy little family.
“When I was 17 years old, I found out that I had congenital heart disease. The doctor said at the time that the situation was not serious, but I should pay attention to life in daily life. Last year, when I did a pregnancy test, the doctor found that one side of the heart was a bit bigger, and there was a 4mm leak in the tumor. So, the doctor advised me to have surgery to prevent the situation from getting worse. ”
Unemployment due to MCO
She pointed out that before the MCO, she was an art teacher, her husband was in the sales industry, and both husband and wife had stable jobs and income, but they were powerless due to the impact of Convid-19. She stopped teaching during the MCO, and her husband just changed jobs recently, so their family income is very unstable.
“Before that, the doctors suspected that the blood flow to the heart increased and that the enlarged heart was due to pregnancy, but after I gave birth, the enlarged heart did not go away. So, the doctor confirmed that this was not directly related to my pregnancy. “
Ms. Yap revealed that currently, only her husband’s income supports the family expenses. My husband just changed to a new job. It is a commission system. The monthly income is unstable, and the income has to bear the expenses of the whole family. They cannot afford the 20k operating fee.
Hope to be able to accompany children with healthy after operation
“The doctor at IJN estimated that I admitted it on May 8 and was preparing for the operation. I hope I don’t have to rely on antibiotics every time after the operation and worry about my heart being infected.”
As a mother, she also hopes that she will have a healthy body after the operation, and be able to accompany and take care of the child’s growth, which is also a small wish of every mother.
In order to achieve the donation faster, CCEP Foundation and HOC Charity Heart will be fundraising together, hope that donation can be achieved before Ms. Yap operation, hopefully, Ms. Yap can feel at ease to do the treatment.
For kind donations, please donate to:
Account: RHB 26219300009342 Enquiry:010-2798849(Ms. Yee)
07/03/2022 (星期一)
(八打灵再也07日讯) 经过13年的漫长等待,患有先天性心脏病13岁少年陈泳铨急终于等到进行心瓣修补手术机会;无奈5万5000令吉手术费让单亲家庭的经济状况再度雪上加霜。
她指出,国家心脏中心的医生暂定4月18日进行手术;目前扶贫计划协会将联通慈善之心(HOC)以及星报基金(The Star Foundation)3方联手合作进行筹款,希望能加快筹款的速度,早日达到5万5000的筹款目标。
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
询问电话:03-7955 9999
网站: ccep.org.my
A 13-years-old boy need the heart surgery
After 13 years of waiting, Tang Bak Zhuan, a 13-year-old boy who was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease (Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Coarctation of Aorta, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Severe Aortic Regurgitation, Mild to Moderate Aortic Stenosis.) Bak Zhuan finally got the chance to repair his heart valve. But the operation fee of RM55,000 made the single-parent family even more terrifying.
The single mother Teah Hoo Ling (38yrs, factory worker) said that her son Tang Bak Zhuan was born with congenital heart disease, a narrowed heart valve that cannot be closed. In the past, he needs medicine to control his condition.
“During that time, my son was too young to performed major surgeries, and the doctor could only do two minor surgeries to save his life. Therefore, in recent years, we have had to go from Penang to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for medication and follow-up visits. And he needs to strictly control his diet and living habits, avoid heavy objects, and exercise vigorously.
Teah Hoo Ling said that, in fact, Bak Zhuan is very interested in basketball, badminton, and other ball sports, but considering the safety of his heart condition, he can only sit and watch, there is no chance for him to joins any of the games, so she is looking forward to her son can live a normal life after surgery.
“Of course, it all depends on the doctor’s advice and my son’s recovery conditions. But without undergoing the surgery, Bak Zhuan’s heart is like a ticking time bomb. It will malfunction at any time, and the heart will become weak and weaker. “
She said that, after waiting for 13 years, finally during the recent examination, the doctor told her good news that Bak Zhuan was ready for surgery. In an interview with CCEP Association, Mdm. Teah said that she has been divorced for many years. Her monthly salary as a factory worker is RM1700. Although her ex-husband pays a few hundred a months, after deducting the living expenses of her mother, herself, and her son, it’s left very little, that’s why she asked for public help.
“The doctor told that after the surgery, Bak Zhuan’s heart can be performed well for at least 25 to 30 years, This is great hope for me and my son, and I hope my son can live a healthy life like an ordinary person.
She said that doctor of the National Heart Institute (IJN) temporarily fixed his operation on April 18th. Currently, CCEP Association, HOC (Heart of Charity), and The Star Foundation will jointly raise funds, hoping to speed up the fundraising speed and reach the RM55k fund as soon as possible.
Anyone who would like to donate to help Bak Zhuan undergo his heart surgery, kindly transfer the donation to the following account:
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
For more inquiries please contact CCEP Association at 03-7955 9999
08/02/2022 (星期二)
Mohammad Norhaslam Lam Bin Abdullah (林志成, 52岁,保安经理)今年5月被诊断患上骨髓增生异常综合症,急需移植骨髓以免情况进一步恶化。
“很感谢Dr Yong体恤我的状况,协助我联系CCEP扶贫计划协会以及HOC慈善之心会来帮我,我很感谢他们 。我的大女儿刚刚踏出社会,其他三个孩子还在读书,你叫我去哪里找这笔钱?太太的收入如今还要应付房贷和、车贷以及家里的日常开销。”
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
询问电话:03-7955 9999 或游览网站: ccep.org.my
请把您的汇款单据发上来 Please provide your remittance slip 如果您需要收据,请提供您以下资料:- If you need an official receipt, please provide the particular of below 中英文姓名 Name 电话号码 Contact number 电邮地址 Email address 我们是以E收据方式发送给您 We will send E receipt for you 备注: 收据是没有扣税的 Remark: official receipt w/o tax exemption.
The family lost financial support, due to myelodysplastic syndrome
Mohammad Norhaslam Lam Bin Abdullah (52 years old, a security manager), he was diagnosed with Multilineage Dysplastic Myelodysplastic Syndrome in May 2021 and he required an urgent bone marrow transplantation.
He said in an interview that his current physical condition makes him tired, and has difficulty breathing, he has been in a state of dyspnea and hypoxia and is also severely ischemia, which is why he needs frequent blood transfusions.
Doctors at Hospital Ampang suggested that he need to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, his siblings did not match, and now needs to look for unrelated bone marrow donors from overseas.
Although he had recently found a suitable donor, the bone marrow harvest cost needs RM100,000, which makes his family once again hardly suffered.
“Actually, I was treated in a private hospital before I was transferred to Hospital Ampang. I used my savings of RM60,000, including the insurance policy the company gave me, but it was still not enough. To be honest, now, my family can’t even get RM3,000 in cash, let alone RM100,000”
Mohammad Norhaslam Lam Bin Abdullah said that before he fell ill, his monthly salary as a security manager was RM5,000, plus his wife’s monthly salary as a clerk was RM4,000, it’s just enough to feed his family of 6, including living expenses, loans, and children’s education fee, and now that he has spent all his savings on the medical treatment, he has no choice but needs to seek help from the public.
“I am very grateful to Dr. Yong from Ampang Hospital for understanding my situation and helping me to contact CCEP Association and HOC (Heart of Charity), for helping me to raise the medical funds. My eldest daughter just has her first job, and the other 3 children are still studying, I don’t know where can I find the funding for my further treatment? And my wife’s income now just enough to pay the mortgage, car loan, and daily expenses for the family.”
At present, we have found a suitable match of bone marrow donors, once Mohammed had completed 4 circles of chemotherapy, we will arrange him for a bone marrow transplant in February 2022. said, Dr. Yong.
Mohammed told that he is currently recuperating in a nursing home and needs daily injections and blood transfusions when needed. Even so, he can’t lift heavy objects, and always has difficulty breathing and feeling difficult.
If doesn’t undergo the transplant, Mohammed won’t have the chance to recover, now he has accepted the bone marrow transplant suggestion. We hope that the public will help him to recover and return to work so that his family life can return to normal.
For contribution, kindly donate to following bank account:
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
For more inquiries, please contact 03-7955 9999 websites: ccep.org.my
09/01/2022 (星期六)
PPUM (UMMC) 医生今天告知肝硬化病者许文成不能如期进行手术,原因是供体不适合做捐赠手术. CCEP扶贫计划协会及HOC慈善之心即时停止代收捐款。
CCEP扶贫计划协会及HOC慈善之心将協助支付这段期间许文成在政府医院所接受治疗的医疗, 药物及住院的费用。余额善款将转捐给帮助其他需要的病人。
The doctor said today that Mr. Khor Boon Seng can’t proceed with a liver transplant
Told by the PPUM (UMMC) doctor today, Mr. Khor Boon Seng was unable to perform the liver transplant as scheduled because the donor was not suitable for donation surgery.
Therefore, the CCEP Asociation and HOC Association need immediately stop fundraising,
We will help to pay for the medical treatment, medicines, and hospitalization that Mr. Khor Boon Seng received at the government hospital during this period. The remaining funds will be used to help other patients in need.
06/01/2022 (星期三)
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
询问电话:03-7955 9999
Must have a liver transplant within 2 weeks,
“The doctor said that my uncle’s liver failure became worse. He must have a liver transplant within 2 weeks, otherwise, he will die, but it is difficult for us to find RM120,000 in funding within 2 weeks.”
Liver cirrhosis does not have any function
Mr. Khor Boon Seng (59 years old, poultry caregiver). On December 28th last year, he was admitted to Gleneagles Hospital Penang due to his health. After examination, he has diagnosed as a hepatitis B patient. His liver had been completely hardened and could not work properly. Now that he has been admitted to UMMC, he has to undergo a liver transplant to save his life immediately.
His 31-year-old nephew Jason Khor said in an interview that his uncle is a poultry breeder and his salary is calculated by the hour. His monthly salary is between RM2.5K and RM2.9K. The aunt is a housewife and also a part-time childcare worker with a monthly salary of about RM800.
“My uncle just paid off the mortgage last year. They thought life could become easier than before. But now his health suddenly deteriorated and his whole family was caught off guard.”
His four children only one has income
The nephew pointed out that the uncle has 4 children, only the eldest and the second are still working, and the third is unemployed due to the epidemic, and now the younger daughter is pregnant.
“In fact, the second son has a fixed income. He will be the liver donor for this transplantation. In order to take care of his father, he had temporarily stopped working.” However, the eldest son just got married and had children last year. He was a chef in Singapore and his income was just enough for his own family expenses. Faced with such a desperate need to raise RM120,000 for his father’s medical issue, the family feels helpless now.
“RM120K is just only the liver transplantation cost. It does not include the hospitalization expenses of patients and liver donors and also the medical expenses after the transplant. These expenses for those are around RM3K, and we will try to solve it out by ourselves.”
Now the liver has deteriorated and needs to be transplanted as soon as possible
Jason pointed out that he would also raise some medical funds from other relatives, but due to time constraints, and our relatives’ ability is also limited. Fortunately, we got the support from CCEP Association and HOC Association to help to raise these medical funds. I hope that my uncle can have the liver transplant as soon as possible.
The doctor has scheduled the transplant for Thursday
Jason said that the doctor has set a date for the operation on Thursday and everything is ready, but the funds for the transplant are still not enough.
“Mr. Khor Boon Seng has always been very healthy. He started complaining to his wife in mid-December 2021, about dizziness, nausea, abdominal distension, weakness in hands and feet, etc. It was only after examination that he was found to be very sick.
My uncle is a very honest person, he works very hard. It is not easy for him to grow up with 4 children. In the past few years, his children have entered society and have their own families. He thought eventually he could reduce the burden, but now the bad news embarrassed his family.
Jason really hopes that the public can donate generously to help his uncle fight against time and perform the liver transplant as soon as possible.
For donation, kindly donate the funds to the following:
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
Telephone:03-7955 9999
Teen needs funds urgently for surgery
Second from left: CCEP chief executive officer Yvonne Yee Poo Yoon, Adilah, Aiman and HOC chairman Yong Wing Cheong and secretary Yap Swee Seong.
LIKE most boys his age, Muhammad Shahrul Aiman, 13, likes to watch and play football.
But the ninth of 11 siblings is no longer able to play as he has been diagnosed with biliary atresia.
This congenital condition is a blockage in the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder.
Aiman, as he is fondly known, is awaiting surgery at University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) in Kuala Lumpur but needs RM130,000 for the procedure.
Two charities are helping to raise funds, namely the Community Care Enrichment Programme (CCEP) and HOC Charity Heart.
His father, Zulkifli Mamat, 56, told a local daily that they hoped to raise the funds by Nov 17 as that is when his son is due to undergo surgery.
“Currently, only 20% of Aiman’s liver is working.
“There is no guarantee that he will make it.
“But my wife and I have not lost hope that our son will get better,” he said.
Zulkifli, who works as a driver, is also supporting four children, aged 10 to 18. The youngest is disabled.Aiman, who weighs only 24kg, also needs special formula, which costs RM100 a tin and it lasts about a week.
His elder sister Nur Adilah said doctors had advised them to ensure he gets the right formula.
“My other siblings are unable to help as they have low-paying jobs,” she said.
Those wanting to assist can donate through CCEP (CIMB – 8009425456) or HOC Charity Heart (CIMB – 8008072195).
For details, call 017-988 5804 (Nur Adilah). — By FARID WAHAB
Mond. Shahrul Aiman 一个13岁喜欢足球的少年,无奈患上先天性胆道闭锁,在接受Kasai手术后原本多年病情都受到控制,可惜今年因感染导致病情急转,必须尽快接受肝脏移植手术,否则随时有生命危险。小儿肝脏专科 医生伍瑞腾接受访问时表示,Aiman在这一年里因细菌感染,才从哥达巴鲁医院才将他转来马大医院求医。
- 扶贫计划协会
2. HOC慈善之心
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
询问电话: 03-7955 9999
The 13-year-old boy needs a liver transplant urgently
” We not only can’t afford RM130k(thousand) of medical fees, we can’t even afford to buy milk powder for Aiman, the milk powder he is drinking now is someone else’s FOC, the doctor said it is suitable for small age children only, and we have no extra money to buy him nutritious milk powder, “
Shahrul Aiman, a 13-year-old boy who likes football, but he suffers from congenital biliary atresia. After the KASAI operation, his condition was controlled. However, he suffered a bacterial infection this year and his condition worsened and had to undergo liver transplantation.
The doctor from University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Associate Prof. Dr.Ng Ruey Terng ( Department of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine) said that due to bacterial inffection, Aiman was transferred from Hospital Kota Bharu to UMMC. Moreover, he has done first aid twice, and has left the ICU, the situation is not optimistic if he does not perform the liver transplant as soon as possible.
“We have arranged to perform liver transplant surgery on him on November 17, and his 18-year-old sister will donate part of her liver to him.”
In addition, the doctor said that Aiman’s nutrition and weight are still not fulfilling the transplant requirements yet, so they are working hard to improve Aiman’s physical condition to absorb nutrients, hope it will be helpful to the operation.
“Now, Aiman liver function is only 20% left. After the transplant, he will almost be recovered. The only issue is that he needs to take long-term medication to maintain his condition.
Due to their financial constraints, we are also helping Aiman apply for government medical subsidies, hoping to reduce their family burden.
Aiman comes from a poor family in Negeri Kelantan. His father is a taxi driver with monthly income of RM600~700 only, and his mother is a housewife suffering from depression many years. The family has 11 brothers and sisters, and the youngest one is paralyzed child.
In an interview with a journalist from the CCEP Association, Aiman’s second sister, Dila said that her siblings are between 10 and 30 years old, and four of them are married and are housewives with no income at all. Although the four brothers and sisters are working, they are just entering society. Most of them are ordinary salespersons or factory workers. After deducting personal expenses, there is not much left.
“Now, Aiman and his 13-year-old brother are still studying, and we have our own family. Although our brothers and sisters are part-timers, they have earning very little, they only can give their father a very small amount of money per month. Aiman is ill now, and we are really can’t afford his huge medical expenses. “
She revealed that Aiman’s special milk powder needs more than RM100 per can, and he needs at least 1 can per week, which does not include buying his milk bag. Aiman’s milk powder is now even given by others.
“The doctor also told us that the children’s milk powder that Aiman is currently drinking is not suitable for him, but we really can’t afford to change it, we can only wait for Aiman to finish drinking it.
Dila explained that although she used to run a small stall for business, but now she needs to accompany her father to Kuala Lumpur to take care of Aiman who is hospitalized. The stall has to be closed temporarily and income has become a problem.
” We have very little money left to cover our basic expenses. We really can’t afford Aiman’s medical expenses, but we are seeing Aiman’s condition getting worse every day.”
She said that Aiman is actually a cheerful and lively child, and his grades in school are also moderate. although have some health problems, but if takes medicine regularly the condition is considered stable.
“He likes football very much. But considering his physical condition, the teacher does not allow him to do too exciting sports, he can only sit on the side every time. He really hopes to play football with his classmates.”
Dila said that in order to make the dream come true, Aiman is willing to undergo a liver transplant. And his sister is willing to donate part of her liver to him, but we could not find the fundings. We all are very upset. We don’t want to disappoint Aiman.
Recently, 2 charities will assist Aiman in fundraising, including
- CCEP Association
2. HOC Charity Heart
The CCEP Association hereby declares that assistance in each case is based on patients’ needs and emergencies. All approved are reviewed and investigated by a professional team. Regardless of race, color, or religion, The CCEP Association treats all cases equally.
CCEP Association bank account as follows:
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
Any inquiries, please contact: 03-7955 9999
23/10/2021 (星期六)
21/10/2021 (星期四)
农薛纳(英文名:Careena Leong,1岁半)在出生2个月后因全身发黄,被HUKM医生确定她有胆道闭锁的问题,并进行了Kasai手术;但今年7月份起,肝受到细菌感染,引发高烧和多次出内出血,情况相当危急。
病患妈妈王芳旎(地产经纪,34岁)在受访时表示,原本她与丈夫农力琦 (保险经纪,36岁)原本去年5月就决定让女儿在马大医院进行有关手术,无奈遇上疫情手术从去年一直拖延至今。“当时医院也同意让我们以分期付款的方式摊还10万令吉的手术费,可如今薛纳突然受到感染,原本受控的病情快速恶化,今年7月医生告诉我们以目前马大医疗团队的技术已无法应付孩子的状况了,建议我们将她送往中国上海仁济医院或者印度接受换肝手术,否则长时间使用高剂量的抗生素控制病情将可能导致孩子其他器官受到影响,并且错失了移植的机会。
1) 扶贫计划协会
2) HOC慈善之心
3) 中国报慈爱人间
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
转账注明:Careena Leong
询问电话:03-7955 9999 (10.00am – 5.00pm)
Baby girl urgently need RM180K for Liver Transplantation
A 1.5 years old biliary atresia baby girl, doctor has issued referral letter on 2021 July, she urgently need RM180K medical fees to go to India for liver transplantation.
Careena Leong, 1.5 years old (baby girl), turned yellow when she was 2 months old. HUKM’s doctors confirmed that the baby girl’s biliary tract was atresia and underwent Kasai surgery. However, starting from July 2021, her liver was infected by a bacterial infection. it caused her high fever and internally blooding many times.
Careena’s mother Ms. Wang(property agent, 34 years old)said that actually she and her husband Mr. Leong(insurance agent, 36 years old)decided to let their daughter to do liver transplant in UMMC last year May, but delayed due to Convid-19.
“The hospital agreed to pay RM100,000 for medical expenses in installments, but Careena is now affected and her condition is deteriorating very quickly. In July this year, the doctor told us that the current technology of the UMMC cannot afford our daughter’s situation.
She said that Careena’s liver usage rate is only 40%. If their daughter goes to India for a liver transplant, the success rate is 90%. Once the medical expenses are raised enough, Careena can go to India immediately.
She also said that after matching, Careena’s 19-year-old cousin’s blood type and conditions were suitable as Careena’s liver donors, but they had to be unable to move forward because of the RM180,000 medical expenses.
“Although Careena’s father and I both are working, but our income is not stable. Our monthly income is between RM8,000 and RM9,000. After Careena fell ill, the monthly medical care fee plus daily special milk powder plus used for milk bags and other expenses, we need RM7,000 to RM8,000 per month, and we also have 2 children and other expenses. Currenlty our savings are almost over. “
“RM180 thousand only medical fees, it doesn’t include me, Careena, cousin brother who is the liver donor, and his mother, preliminary estimated about RM100 thousand for 4 person for all expenses, me and my husband will find way to solve it. We understand that can’t everything rely on other people. “
Ms. Wang said that due to Convid-19, the price of air tickets is too high, and considering the situation of Careena, the doctor advised them to look for direct flights that can reach India in the fastest time, so as to avoid Careena’s time issues causing other problems. If it is not too long to inject antibiotics separately, they must arrange two medical staff to accompany them. At that time, the cost is higher.
She explained that the trip will take about 1 month. Including the operation, the hospital needs to closely follow Careena’s postoperative situation and confirm that everything is stable before returning. Moreover, after the transplant, Karina also has to take lifelong medicine, monthly medical expenses, special milk powder, and other expenses. The couple had no choice but to ask for help.
She described Careena as a brave and sensible child, stuffed with tubes filled with medicine and milk powder, but she didn’t complain at all. And now the doctor could not find an empty place to re-intubate, so the doctor had to perform a small operation and put it in her body. Parents can’t bear to see all this.
“I am grateful to my sister-in-law for allowing her only child to donate liver to Careena. As a mother, I thank her and nephew and hope that Careena will go home as soon as possible after the transplantation. Her siblings are waiting for her Gather. “
This is a contest between life and time.
In order to make Careena’s fundraising as soon as possible, there are three charity units to help raise funds this time. They are:
1) CCEP Association
2) HOC Charity Heart
3) Yayasan NanYang Press(China Press )
CCEP Association account as below:-
Persatuan Kebajikan CCEP
CIMB 8009425456
Transfer specify:Careena Leong
Enquiry telephone number : 603-7955 9999
18/08/21 (星期三)
CCEP扶贫计划协会感恩各界人士热心的捐助,让郑芷湄可以顺利购买骨髓 。
{ 叔叔阿姨,哥哥姐姐,救救芷湄,让芷湄活下去}
捐款请直接汇款至以下银行户口:Persatuan Kebajikan CCEPCIMB 8009425456任何询问,请直接联系 : https://wa.link/e0zqo6